Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j08ggas wrote
Reply to Ticket question by [deleted]
Double the speed limit is reckless operation at its best. Get a lawyer. Its a shit ton of points. Just short of a DUI.
His insurance will probably double if not triple.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_izkt96a wrote
Reply to comment by Shot_Kale_8330 in Please Bring the Amtrak To Bangor by PhiloBlackCardinal
Where in Quebec? MTL or Quebec city? Neither will work as they dont work now Boston via Burlington to MTL. The government has to subsidize the crap out of it.
Its a blast to ride but its a slow moving ghost train.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_izkrtmx wrote
Reply to Please Bring the Amtrak To Bangor by PhiloBlackCardinal
To go where? Boston? Boston to MTL via Burlington hasn't ever made money. Who is going to take it and to where to make any financial sense? Lot of people going to Boston, NY and DC live in banger.
No way we are going to lay new tracks. Id love to see high speed passenger rail but its a pipe dream it will ever come to a city losing businesses and populations. Better to take and run Mass to Acadia.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_ize2rpz wrote
Reply to comment by Me_Myself_And_IAM in Advocates sound alarm over end of hotel housing program by DHallFan169
Burlington used to do 2 naked road races and a naked bike ride. Bike ride was a blast. Both were sanctioned by city hall.
In the 25 years I lived in BTown there were no shootings, stabbings or needles on the streets.
Such a beautiful town to go to shit so quickly.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_izb5jyu wrote
Reply to Plow truck hit me and plowed me off the road in Manchester NH and it’s the plows fault and the police report says so, but some lady in an office sent me a letter and said it’s 51% my fault and they’ll pay nothing, my 2016 Ford Fusion is destroyed and I’m in debt. I What can I do? by Vegetable_Medium_458
Call Robert Moses in Amherst. A 75 dollar letter from his ass will get your point across.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iysrbem wrote
Reminds me of the propaganda that was spread for the Lowell wind project. Hows that working out for the locals that don't own Teslas?
Drive by it all the time on the way to Barton and never see them spinning. It was a shame to loose the whole mountain top. It was a good hike and a beautiful spot.
This is a bunch of childish college BS. We have to have a debate- with clear heads and no bullshit money influence. Give them a few years paying Vermont taxes with Vermont jobs.
Honestly....clear cutting in Vermont.....fuck are they smoking? Oooh Yeah, lots of clear cutting happening in the Green Mountain State.
Act 40 killed logging in Vermont 25 years ago. Along with all the logging and sawmill jobs to boot.
You cant shit in the Vermont woods without a permit.
College kids with patents that are willing to pay 50k +for a 3rd tear education need to realize what they hear in the classroom is not the majority of what VT is....or was.
So cutting trees....bad. That's worth 40k for 4 years. Sounds about like a transplant entitled burlingtonian kid to me.
It doesn't address the real environmental issues of pollution runoff and Burlington's combined sewer system. Phosphate runoff into the lake from farms. Pesticide use and run off. Zebra mussels and lamprey destroying the lakes ecosystem. The loss of farms.
I remember the lake and rivers as a long time Vermonter and its scary how fast things have gone to shit. Logging isn't Vermonts issue. Its a dog whistle. Serious....flooding??. Asshole writer doesn't live in Vt.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iysd4mh wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Advocates sound alarm over end of hotel housing program by DHallFan169
I remember standing in line and Nectar was rocking the window. Anyway, this hot girl a few people in front of me got her order and being...not so hot...proceeded to put them in her purse. She wanted to 'save them for back at the dorm.'
They probably weren't as good as they were hot the night before. Must have done a number on her Razr.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iyq95df wrote
Reply to comment by mr_perry_walker in Advocates sound alarm over end of hotel housing program by DHallFan169
Ooh....not at all. I wish you were old enough to have known Burlington back in the day where nobody locked their house doors or cars and could streak through city hall park.amd hit Nectar up for a Phish set and some gravy fries... Or maybe see the dead in hardwick. You kids dont have a clue how burlington has fallen..
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iyjshjt wrote
Reply to What would Brene Brown do? by [deleted]
But what would Brian Boitano do...if he was here right now?
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iwy7v27 wrote
Reply to comment by latinageologist in What do you do with significant amounts of wood ash? by peachboot828
You sound like you went to Johnson state. Ill bet we know each other. 😁
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iwy7evd wrote
Reply to comment by latinageologist in What do you do with significant amounts of wood ash? by peachboot828
I edited it. I just know it burned making soap with my great grandmother on the dairy farm they owned. You are definitely right though.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iww8pic wrote
Reply to comment by latinageologist in What do you do with significant amounts of wood ash? by peachboot828
Its either acidic or base. My grandmother was french Canadian in Northern Maine and they would save their wood ashes and leech water through them and combine the liquid with tallow to make soap.
All I know is having helped her it is caustic.Burned the shit out of my hands. Fine in small quantities but if you live in New England and run 2 stoves all winter you really don't want all that ash in your garden. Better to use as ice melt.
But Im no expert-I bet in some cases it would work great. I used ashes in my raised beds and nothing would grow. Not even weeds, but I didn't write my ms thesis on the affect of wood ash in gardens. Was your minor interpretive dance?
Researched: you are right. 5-10 pounds is good for soil amendment. The hell with you do with the 4-5 hundred pounds that burning a few cords produce unless you have a farm. Anything over 5-10 lbs in a 100 square feet is not good and will kill what you are putting it on. I've got 2 Defiant stoves and burn 5-8 cords a winter living in Jeff's. That's a bit of ash.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iwrnfdy wrote
Make soap. Throw on driveway for traction. Throw in woods. Its acidic so not great for gardens.
Edit: its basic....still not good in large quantities for anything. Also-Great stove made in Morrisville. I hope you never have to move it!😁
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iwio6tj wrote
Reply to comment by atdoomsgate- in Diana's Bath, Shot with a Nikon FE using Lady Gray 400 film by atdoomsgate-
Honestly, my wife's mother is a photographer and has never developed film. Sacrilege in my book. She is has talent and 15k in lenses but I out shoot her with my 30 year old pawn shop zeiss lenses and a decent black and white 400 speed. Drives her nuts but with film, a decent lense and controll developing you cant be beat. The grain and light captured is amazing.
By the way I love how you used time effect in your picture. I know the spot and your shot is beautiful.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iwie8da wrote
Love film. SLRs... in my opinion still cant match the fun and effect of film. So what if you have 300 exposures of a photo and can modify all of them. I've got 36 exposures and I wont know how they look until I develop them. Its the difference between talent and I've got a 3000 dollar camera with 10k in lenses but still don't know what a f stop is. Did I mention my drone?
Im old school and I still love film.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iwg00vr wrote
Reply to Rumford last night by LittleZedZed
I can smell it from here.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iw39ptc wrote
Reply to comment by AJArcadian in When to turn your heat on in New England by Generic_Commenter-X
That's going to depend how high oil goes!
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iw1s0q1 wrote
Turn it on at 33 degrees so your pipes don't freeze. Other than that its cheaper to burn your furniture this year.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_ivvkomp wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in What is your least favorite winter prep job? Mine is stacking wood. by GrayHairedRacer
Whoa!! You don't know what you are asking Stiffler!!
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_ivv283z wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in What is your least favorite winter prep job? Mine is stacking wood. by GrayHairedRacer
Give her my number.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iu9uga5 wrote
Reply to Help my AZ brother survive VT winter! What are your best care package suggestions? Bag Balm? Kitty litter for the car? Tickets out?? by Snoo_Regrets
Smart wool socks. Good gloves. Pay for his oil bill.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iu2zhz1 wrote
Reply to comment by z-eldapin in keep it classy, Biddeford. by OriginalGordol
Im sorry...where is the confederate flag? The guy is a second amendment nut. Nothing on his/her car refers in any way to the confederacy.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iu2j1wy wrote
Reply to comment by shenshenw in Maine begins its removal of obscene vanity license plates by NCSUGrad2012
And sold it before covid. Don't want to deal with their plastic waste. They saw it coming and happening in Europe. Im no environmentalist but its a great idea to have these companies deal with their own waste. I worked at Hood making 3 million bottles a year in Northern new england and had to quit because I was disgusted. Meanwhile Nestle is making 55 million bottles a year in the tri-state. Nestle is an AWFUL company.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_it6g6f4 wrote
Reply to Maine/Quebec border? by 207Simone
Rt 16 is an amazing road until winter. Absolutely beautiful in fall. Enjoy the ride and its a straight shot to Sherbrook. You just don't wanna do it in winter. You could go off the road and not be found for days. Trust me, I went to McGill and parents lived in Ellsworth. Not a fun road during a winter storm.
Great fishing on the way! Bring a fly rod.
Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j1a2f2d wrote
Reply to I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
Jesus. Every Border Collie I have ever seen/met looks f-ing nuts.