AmnesiaInnocent t1_j82d4x0 wrote
Reply to Steel toe boots? by iamembers
You might try Hilton's Tent City in Central
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j7zprgy wrote
Do you need the place to be T-accessible? Do you need it to have convenient parking?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j7vbszz wrote
Reply to comment by BuckyWunderlick007 in Is There Anything You Can Do After a Disputed Ticket is Upheld? by swiftnine
>"There is a $275.00 filing fee.”
Do you get the fee refunded if the ticket is ultimately dismissed?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j74ff2c wrote
Reply to Cozy spots for the cold snap! by doctorlimon
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j6yca52 wrote
Reply to seeclickfix is down by pattyorland
Go to
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j64oooy wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainWollaston in Parking suggestions for Downtown or North End for a tourist? by mistlet0ad
What about the Dock Square Garage, right next to Quincy Market?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j5v18s4 wrote
Reply to Sunday bus schedule on a Wed by Brave_Bowler_4849
Which bus route are you talking about? How do you know that they're running on a Sunday schedule?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j5ujjh2 wrote
Reply to Boston police account for $31 million of city legal payouts since 2020, including $16 million for wrongfully convicted man - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
Shouldn't a wrongfully convicted man be the responsibility of the DAs office, not the cops?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j5ord2r wrote
Reply to comment by SpindriftRascal in Birth chart reader? by horvatitus
I'm assuming that it's a type of fortune teller...
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j5oknrd wrote
Reply to comment by corned_beef_balls in Any predictions or “wishlist” ideas for the Central Sq Artist & Craftsman space? What was it before? by adorablogger
> I think it’s going to be a restaurant.
Is that just a feeling/expectation or do you have anything to back that up?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j5mecmc wrote
Reply to Red Line Skipping Stops? by iwishiwasskiing95
Was there any annoucement?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j3ykhu8 wrote
Reply to comment by devious_cruising in The cost of a dozen eggs at my grocery in Central Sq 😭 by Dumbledore27
Amazon Fresh is selling eggs for $4.29/dozen
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j1nr9tk wrote
Reply to comment by brianthomasarghhh in TIL Why Dog Paws Smell Like Fritos. Even the cleanest, healthiest pooch has trillions of bacteria and fungi living on their skin. That yeasty, corn chip smell is actually a normal byproduct of harmless bacteria, usually Proteus or Pseudomonas, both of which are naturally present in our environment. by Rossknight65
And I'm never eating dog paws again...
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j0l6ito wrote
Reply to comment by Sean_Bean_Always_Die in [Super Curious] 🫠Why is British TV series short like every season holds up for 6 episodes max? by aparnasesha
I don't get how money is the factor. What's the difference between having one show on for 18 episodes or having three different shows on for 6 episodes each?
If anything, it would seem to me that the shorter shows would be more expensive, because you had to do marketing, create sets, etc... for each of the individual shows.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j0l662y wrote
Reply to comment by Riegel_Haribo in TIL there is a controversial sculpture by Belgian pop artist Paul Van Hoeydonck on the surface of the moon placed by Apollo 15 NASA astronaut David Scott by TrunkerSpecialist
Also controversial because the astronauts placed it face-down to symbolize the astronauts who have died, while NASA (when commissioning the replicas) wanted it upright to symbolize "humanity rising"
AmnesiaInnocent t1_izlen82 wrote
Reply to Today I learned that the largest snowman ever built was in Maine in 2008 and measured 122 feet, 7 inches tall. by BlupHox
I don't know ... IMO piling a big cone of snow and putting a hat and face on it doesn't make it a snowman.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_iz1gipu wrote
The ticket/tow people precede the street sweepers (so that the street is empty for sweeping). If they've already swept your streets, the ticket/tow people are off staying ahead of the sweepers...
...but having said that, the normal ticket people are still out there...
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ixwpzo2 wrote
Reply to TIL that loganberries aren't a separate species of berry, but are a cross between blackberries and raspberries. by TelescopiumHerscheli
Willy Wonka: The strawberries taste like strawberries. The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ixv4sf6 wrote
Reply to What did 50 Cent do when he was hungry? by [deleted]
What happened when 50 cent ran a race? 51
When did 50 Cent say to the waiter when his friend ordered a big steak at a restaurant? 52
Did 50 Cent favor or oppose legalizing marijuana? 54
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ixuwyrd wrote
Their "about" page lists a phone number.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ixm3yyq wrote
Reply to Delivery places open today? by FormerlySalve_Lilac
I looked on UberEats and there are definitely some that will be open later today...
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ixarp7x wrote
Reply to comment by OhYiWen in Best Year Round Thanksgiving Sandwich/Sub? by BearsLikeCampfires
I actually just had one of those. Problem is that the turkey is just your standard sliced turkey you get from a deli.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ix63eol wrote
Reply to comment by blackdynomitesnewbag in City Council Proposing Affordable Housing Upzoning by blackdynomitesnewbag
OK, thanks.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_ix6042y wrote
What does the word "upzone" mean?
AmnesiaInnocent t1_j8y3cjb wrote
Reply to comment by bolanrox in TIL that in the 1980s musical "Chess", the American's fortunes change depending on which version is being played; in the West End version, he quits the match and loses his World Championship, while in the Broadway version, he discovers a tactical edge and gains it. by London-Roma-1980
"One Night in Bangkok" is sung by Murray Head, who is the older brother of Anthony Stewart Head (Giles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer)