AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix92klf wrote
Reply to comment by tinoynk in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
That's completely wrong. You don't find out Dark is about time travel until the end of the 2nd episode. That's my whole point, I just didn't want to spoil that specifically in my post.
Whereas in 1899, you get the feeling almost from the start that there's supernatural elements at play here.
99% of people who go in blind to Dark think it's a crime drama because that's what's it set up to be like.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix92ckn wrote
Reply to comment by Fondle_My_Sweaters in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
Dark would be better and more enjoyable if characters actually had some personality and there were some more moments of joy in it. I'm gonna leave it at that.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix91m5h wrote
Reply to comment by mountainhighgoat in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
1899 "picked up" from the start in my opinion. It wastes no time and gets interesting almost immediately.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix90tv9 wrote
Reply to comment by Fondle_My_Sweaters in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
So? My point is that a joyless show with bad vibes is off-putting for many.
And it's a flaw too imo, there needs to be balance.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix90n59 wrote
Reply to comment by Fondle_My_Sweaters in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
Damon Lindelof is a genius. He's underrated
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix90jlp wrote
Reply to comment by PortoGuy18 in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
Obviously if you know what the main draw of the show is, then you will be captivated from the start.
But keep in mind that 99% of people who go in blind think that Dark is a crime drama
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix90hrf wrote
Reply to comment by PortoGuy18 in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
Obviously if you know what the main draw of the show is, then you will be captivated from the start.
But keep in mind that 99% of people who go in blind think this show is a crime drama
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix907jd wrote
Reply to comment by PortoGuy18 in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
Yeah well I turned it off after the first scene. Didn't seem like a show I would like. Mind you, I had no idea what the show was about.
And then I gave it another try a few months later.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8zqcd wrote
Reply to comment by Fondle_My_Sweaters in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
I would never watch dubbed. It took time for me to realize this, but there is extremely few scenes of humor or joy in Dark, especially season 1. And everyone speaks always in a super serious tone = no personality.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8zi8u wrote
Reply to comment by ryhaltswhiskey in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
The creators have said that they have it all planned out already. Unlike Lost, where the creators wrote it as they went along. Lost is phenomenal though, let's not spoil it for anyone.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8ywzg wrote
Reply to comment by Fondle_My_Sweaters in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
no no no Dark didn't fail. it was a masterpiece. But it had its failings, mainly the complete lack of joy throughout and complete lack of any personality in almost every character. It also took 2 episodes to get truly engaging. These are things which 1899 fixed.
Also, I guarantee a lot of people quit Dark before getting to the end of the 2nd episode, because the main special aspect of the show wasn't revealed yet, and the show had very bad vibes and was slow in the beginning. It was off-putting in the beginning but it became truly sensational after a couple episodes
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8wdyx wrote
Reply to comment by PortoGuy18 in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
It honestly baffles me that you're talking like the first scene of Dark was so amazing and grabbing. To jog your memory, it's literally a scene of a depressed guy hanging himself in his basement, with the most unsettling, terrifying bad vibe music I have ever heard playing the background. You get to see him set it up and everything. Absolutely chilling and unsettling and brutal. It was the most off-putting scene to ever start a show in history
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8vsyg wrote
Reply to comment by PortoGuy18 in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
No I guarantee you that most people who recommended others Dark, me included, had to tell them to stick with it until the end of episode 2 because that's where it really gets interesting. The vibes and subject matter in the first two episodes of Dark is really off-putting and unsettling.
Also, the very first scene of Dark is probably the most unsettling and off-putting scene I have ever seen start a film or show. Younger kids and families that clicked on it randomly through Netflix probably turned it off immediately because of that. Dark is a great example of a show that DOES NOT CAPTURE YOU RIGHT AWAY, but really pulls you in when its main aspect is revealed
Whereas 1899 has, like I said, a far more mainstream welcoming beginning. Nobody is getting turned off immediately by horrible vibes, and instead interested immediately by multiple parts. Not only the vast array of diverse international characters aboard the ship, but also the big mystery introduced already in the first episode.
Submitted by AnakinRagnarsson66 t3_yvhrme in television
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix936fu wrote
Reply to comment by Fondle_My_Sweaters in 1899 Is A Phenomenal! A Worthy Spiritual Successor To Dark - It Succeeds Where Dark Failed by AnakinRagnarsson66
Are you a troll? I said the show was a masterpiece. I watched it all and appreciated the complex story. You seem to think the show is beyond criticism and anyone who criticizes it is dumb. When in reality it is you who is narrow-minded.