AndromedaAnimated t1_j1j25on wrote
Reply to comment by leroy_hoffenfeffer in If your opinion is "it's good because it's AI," you're not really thinking very far ahead. by OldWorldRevival
I have also noticed that many people have not read much about the technical side of AI. The AI art topic specifically does have the potential to become pretty toxic.
But just like I wrote on the „should we ban anyone who is from antiwork subreddit“ thread I just don’t like the idea to ban opinion or forbid free speech, no matter how misinformed. I think it is important to allow the non-professional opinions, since those opinions are also influencing politics, and politics influence science (both financially and morally). That is why it is important to allow those people to ask. To say what they think. Only this way will their opinion become informed at some point.
And many people just don’t have the knowledge of scientific „dialect“ - reading scientific articles is hardly doable for them. That’s why they come here and want to discuss. They are interested. They are trying to talk with the others. They can learn. Why would anybody want to dismiss them?
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1i1fvq wrote
Reply to comment by fortunum in Hype bubble by fortunum
Look, I am not trying to say that you are a bad person or something.
Like I said, I just think that the state of the subreddit is not up to a single individual to judge. I tried to provide feedback, ok? And even told you that I do not exclude myself from such behavior. It’s human after all.
Only after you stated that you merely think I would be projecting - despite me presenting arguments where you have gone off the wrong path in a detailed way - that I have started to think that you are not self-aware and just bash others - namely the laymen dreamers. They have the right to be here too, you know?
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hvzz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Phoenix5869 in Hype bubble by fortunum
The problem is not OP’s opinion. It’s absolutely valid. Absolutely! I actually even AGREE to some extent that the hype is quite over the top.
Personally I think we cannot predict when Singularity happens for now. So I understand where he is coming from.
I just don’t agree with the „holier than thou“ attitude (anymore). He is not presenting any „facts“ except „I know cause I am a scientist“ and „I believe“ while criticising people for doing the same - and that is BAD social behavior. And bad discussion tactics.
And also he leaves out all those posts and comments that provide critical discussion and sources.
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1htn4x wrote
Reply to comment by Krillinfor18 in There are far more dissenting opinions in this sub than people keep saying. by Krillinfor18
You can have an opinion and it is a good thing. Yes. I agree!
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1htf2n wrote
Reply to comment by AzerFox in There are far more dissenting opinions in this sub than people keep saying. by Krillinfor18
And I bet that if you ARE an educated scientist, that you are then also a sufferer of narcissist personality disorder. But you probably aren’t and only pretend. Do you even understand how low-brow your comment sounds? F*cking COLLEGE. Science is only science if you are a university educated scientist. /s
Please forgive me the provocation, I am trying to use sarcasm to hold up a mirror for you. I don’t really think you have NPD. Peace ✌️
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ht5k0 wrote
Reply to There are far more dissenting opinions in this sub than people keep saying. by Krillinfor18
Thank you! You say the truth here. Let’s kick the elitist pessimists in the ass.
- signed : former elitist pessimist trying to reconsider my approach
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hsmn0 wrote
Reply to comment by IntrepidHorror5986 in Hype bubble by fortunum
I like those speculative subreddits like futurology and singularity. They are fun and relaxing.
Thing is, if I really want scientific knowledge Reddit is not the first place I go to look 🤣
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hsbb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Phoenix5869 in Hype bubble by fortunum
I just upvoted you - despite disagreeing with what you say as OP is not being „realistic“, he is just saying he wants this sub to be more suited to his tastes.
But seriously I think the Reddit downvote system is not good. It kills discussion instead of helping sort content, as most upvotes and downvotes are depending on a personal (agree/disagree, feels good/feels bad) emotion and not on the quality of what is said (yes something can be interesting even though you disagree).
And I personally don’t even care if singularity happens tomorrow or in hundred years, and I do not have a clear opinion on that (We just. Don’t. Know. Yet) so I am only disagreeing with you supporting OP‘s view as „realistic“.
So take my upvote, my discussion opponent! 🙃
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hrvt5 wrote
Reply to comment by IntrepidHorror5986 in Hype bubble by fortunum
You forgot the antiwork sub 🤣
There IS a futurology sub, are you aware of that?
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hrinc wrote
Reply to comment by fortunum in Hype bubble by fortunum
You should have written THIS in your original post instead of pushing blame around and crying that you don’t like the way the subreddit functions.
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hrdd5 wrote
Reply to comment by Krillinfor18 in Hype bubble by fortunum
I love how you show that OP is not giving ANY arguments for ANY critical discussion except his religion (which is: „I don’t belieeeeeeve in AGI“ which is equally insane as „I belieeeeeeve in AGI“).
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hr2l2 wrote
Reply to comment by fortunum in Hype bubble by fortunum
You are not the master of this subreddit 🙄 why does everyone think they can decide what others talk about?
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hqzeq wrote
Reply to comment by vernes1978 in Hype bubble by fortunum
I think the dude you answer to was saying it ironically 🫢
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hqxd8 wrote
Reply to comment by Chad_Nauseam in Hype bubble by fortunum
The paperclip machine has been discussed (ch)ad nauseam 🤪
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hqhya wrote
Reply to comment by fortunum in Hype bubble by fortunum
I am just reading what you write. If I project or not is not of interest here. Please don’t try to divert the attention to me.
You don’t have to accept criticism or feedback.
But your post would have been much more interesting and also more believable if you didn’t state your authority.
And you did. You mentioned your professional field which is tied to the topic. You said explicitly that AGI is not going to happen and that most posts are factually wrong (and that is where I even start to smell a „pretend-scientist“ as in empirical science, there are working hypotheses, theories, but not facts - and even theoretical science prefers „axiom“ to „fact“).
You are sounding like an elitist who is no better than the people you criticise. Plus, you are getting the purpose of discussion wrong if you think saying something „factually“ wrong is a bad thing in a discussion. You don’t even provide ONE argument for what you are saying except you being in machine learning and you and your colleagues not talking about singularity.
You didn’t provide original thought here (I read sooo many posts like yours here lately), and also no interesting articles.
Jet you criticise the dreaming laymen on this sub.
Oh well. You don’t want feedback, then don’t take it.
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1hm546 wrote
Reply to Hype bubble by fortunum
I am sorry in advance for what I will say. Please bear with me.
This is something that really irks me.. I am prone to the same hypocritical tactics that you are using here. And I hate that in myself. Like your „I am no authority [insert authority implying title here]“ - sorry mate, I know what you are doing here, I do it all the time too and I am even of „lower academic rank“ since I only have a diploma (ancient German version of Master‘s degree), but come on, just state your degree without the „I am a good guy since I put a disclaimer, but actually I know more than you mere mortals“. It makes you look like a covert narcissist. And makes you less believable, not more. I am trying to get rid of this habit and I wish other people would too.
So now that I have gotten this off my heart, the actual answer:
Humans are prone to hype. This subreddit is one where humans like to dream. It is not a professional forum. If you want scientific discussion, you are better off talking to your colleagues or going to a SPECIALISED subreddit. And no, this is not some wisdom of an all-knowing old Redditor. This is psychology. Simple human psychology.
Just let the guys dream here, ok? And go to the machine learning subreddit to discuss machine learning how it really works. This subreddit is not for elitists, I guess 😉 So let’s try and be nice to those not in the field.
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ha3kd wrote
Reply to comment by OldWorldRevival in If your opinion is "it's good because it's AI," you're not really thinking very far ahead. by OldWorldRevival
I agree with that. That’s why I have upvoted your original post here even though I disagree with you here. Freedom of speech FTW!
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1fpejk wrote
Reply to Meta AI announces high-level programming language for complex protein structure by maxtility
This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ff2z4 wrote
Reply to comment by petermobeter in If your opinion is "it's good because it's AI," you're not really thinking very far ahead. by OldWorldRevival
Your worth as a person should not depend on agreeing with someone on Reddit. ;) you‘re good the way you are ok?
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1fd3jx wrote
Reply to If your opinion is "it's good because it's AI," you're not really thinking very far ahead. by OldWorldRevival
So you think that to know anything about AI you have to be in STEM? Is it because you are in STEM? Or why do you think that?
I mean there are people out there like the famous Yudkowsky who are completely self-educated without any scientific degree. Would you reject his authority on this topic? (disclaimer: I am not a fan of some of his newest ideas but I do like the friendly AI concept).
As for my opinion, you already know it. (Wake up, wake up!)
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ewux0 wrote
Reply to comment by OldWorldRevival in Ethical AI tools will only hasten the singularity, not slow it down. by OldWorldRevival
Deeper? Would you mind to specify?
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1eueam wrote
Reply to comment by HeinrichTheWolf_17 in Ethical AI tools will only hasten the singularity, not slow it down. by OldWorldRevival
I hope it won’t hold up in court. But sadly as a German I experienced what usually happens, we had the upload filter problem just a few years ago… Our German politicians promising the upload filters are not going to come, people saying hey relax it won’t happen… the upload filters came.
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ets2l wrote
This is not an arms race. It’s a fallacy. It’s a battle for monopoly.
Those being targeted by „upset artists“ are not the big corps!
Wake up, wake up!
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1brdre wrote
Reply to comment by petermobeter in if search engines all become chatbots, how will u find new websites? is that secretly the entire point!? by petermobeter
Don’t worry about dumb comments of pseudo-elitists. Your post is interesting!
AndromedaAnimated t1_j1k34fm wrote
Reply to comment by AndromedaAnimated in There are far more dissenting opinions in this sub than people keep saying. by Krillinfor18
Look at the u/fortunum thing blocking me after showing once again that it doesn’t know what projecting is 🤣🤣🤣