AngelicDevilz OP t1_j68stwj wrote
Reply to comment by HomoVulgaris in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
Duty to fellow humans? I am homeless, I could not even find a place to let me use their sink to apply lice treatment recently and had to do it outside in the cold at night with a jug of water that ran out leaving lice treatment in my fuvkimg hair. I was fired from a non-profit when my coworker discovered I was homeless. There are more empty homes in America than homeless yet our government won't give us basic shelter. It's legal to discriminate based on homelessness and so so many people do and we cannot even sue.
So why should I owe anything to humanity that has abandoned the poorest humans? Humanity only cares about humanity until it becomes an inconvence to do so.
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j68qd6x wrote
Reply to comment by oakteaphone in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
Oh, I think that will change soon. Few people bother with opening the symbols screen when typing just to say you're instead of your. It's too inconvenient if autocorrect won't do it automatically and language and spelling change based on common usage so I imagine you're will be another old English word in a few decades. I try to speed the change along as much as I can.
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j68pcin wrote
Reply to comment by HomoVulgaris in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
We ARE animals. What is more important than happiness?
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j6836tx wrote
Reply to comment by notyurmamma in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
Humans work more of their lives today in 2022 than we did at any point in the past. Progression has led to more work, less freedom, less freedom and more laws and more prison time than in the past. The old man isn't making things better but he isn't making things worse, the young lad who wants a fishing empire contributes to making the World worse for 99% of people whilst improving it only for those so rich they have never had to worry about not being able to afford both rent And food.
I'd choose happiness for most humans over cars and smartphones any day.
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j682emf wrote
Reply to comment by HomoVulgaris in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
He might be right. Look at orcas, top of the food chain, they have nothing to fear. They just swim around with all their friends and family as they eat yummy things, play games with their food and each other, sing, have sex and sleep. No stress, no bills, nothing but endless pleasure.
We are the top predators on land. We could have had the happy existence of orcas if we hadn't kept evolving. We only really needed spears and a group of us could take down even the biggest bear. But we just couldn't stop there.
Now we're stressed all day about bills, forced to spend most of our waking hours doing things we hate, we worry about what are neighbors will think if we skip mowing for a week or how we will pay back student loans after picking a major that was way too hard or is useless even if earned. We watch people live their lives on tiny screens because our own feel so meaningless. We retire and realize with horror that we are too tired and in too much pain to enjoy the freedom that we wasted our whole lives doing things we hate to get.
Are cars and telephones really better than happiness?
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j681kb9 wrote
Reply to comment by oakteaphone in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
I still don't get it..
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j660bc6 wrote
Reply to comment by pineappleshnapps in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
That's the key to never being happy. Happiness and fullfillment will come if I finally get X, but once I got X I realized my real desire was Y all along so I started striving towards Y.
You can spend your whole life trying to find happiness and never succeed or you can just be happy with your shit life. Then you happy all the time.
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j65p987 wrote
Reply to comment by LEJ5512 in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
I feel like longing for more is part of the human condition. If we were all content and happy then we would stagnate and the world would never improve.
And yet if that was the case there would be no need for improvement as we would all be happy and content and what could be a better improvement over that?
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j65oexh wrote
AngelicDevilz t1_j62ru4j wrote
Reply to comment by woodenpony in Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m Possible.” -Audrey Hepburn [Image] by vbCPA
So never shooting for the stars and settling? That's pretty depressing.
Why not try and if you fail take solace in that you tried your best. Even if you wind up as some brokeass failure waiting tables in Hollywood applying and failing to get an acting career until your old and have no options, at least you won't regret never trying. You can always take solace in that your misery will end along with your body someday.
AngelicDevilz t1_j5l1g5m wrote
Reply to comment by TamsinGDArt in [Story]Yesterday I finished my first painting of the year, the Grand Canyon over the Colorado river. I’ve been having to work I tiny pockets of time in between child care so it’s been such slow progress but little by little that sky and those terraces have told their story x by TamsinGDArt
I don't know why I was such a art snob last night. I don't even like paintings. I did like your sky and cloud lighting though and the feel it gave off of cold summer mornings.
AngelicDevilz t1_j5it9g3 wrote
Reply to comment by TamsinGDArt in [Story]Yesterday I finished my first painting of the year, the Grand Canyon over the Colorado river. I’ve been having to work I tiny pockets of time in between child care so it’s been such slow progress but little by little that sky and those terraces have told their story x by TamsinGDArt
I knew it was pictures. If you wanted to be an artist you should have lived somewhere were abortion was legal so you could strive for greatness. You cannot take commissions and consider yourself a true artist. Art is inspired. It is better to go hungry for art than to debase oneself to the requests of some lesser commissionaire.
AngelicDevilz t1_j5i1r8d wrote
Reply to [Story]Yesterday I finished my first painting of the year, the Grand Canyon over the Colorado river. I’ve been having to work I tiny pockets of time in between child care so it’s been such slow progress but little by little that sky and those terraces have told their story x by TamsinGDArt
Terrible. It looks like you just based it on a photo instead of painting it there. Why bother at that point. Such low-form art
AngelicDevilz t1_j4xq95b wrote
Reply to comment by hannibalbaracka in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
I still disagree but am too stoned and lazy to refute you with sources and bullet points.
AngelicDevilz t1_j4xjrsp wrote
Reply to comment by hannibalbaracka in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
So of you could hire someone from a foreign country for cheaper than it costs to train a local then why wouldn't you?
And the moral implication of a country not having enough doctors because they all try to immigrate is that the poor citizens of the native country that don't have the skills to get an H1B visa are left without enough doctors. NPR has done a few stories on its devistating effects in India for example.
Not to mention that universal healthcare and ubi are not possible in a system that allows for high levels of immigration.
But please,tell me how I am wrong instead of just claiming I am. I used to help illegally immigrants skirt the rules to avoid deportation before I became a communist because I was unaware of the impact on the working class.
I suppose of you don't want social saftwy nets and you don't care about Americans in poverty then immigration is great. In reality many of these people should be working to improve their own countries to get them at USA levels.
AngelicDevilz t1_j4xho3q wrote
Reply to comment by twbrn in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
More unskilled labor also means lowering wages for low skilled be workers. If you can hire someone here illegally and pay them less than min wage and no taxes then why wouldn't you?
AngelicDevilz t1_j4u7hwt wrote
Reply to comment by Houzeplants in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
I hope so, but if it was Tucker Carlson that was big into Sci-Fi and producing a Hyperion series would you not be worried? I know I would.
Edit: I'll take the downvotes as a yes,I'm right and am downvoted because you don't have an argument so you cannot reply
AngelicDevilz t1_j4u50a6 wrote
If you have any doubts about surgery then hold off until you have zero doubts. Don't do what cannot be undone until you have considered everything you cannot do once it's been done.
AngelicDevilz t1_j4txurm wrote
Reply to comment by twbrn in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
I'm a communist, far left as you can go and this just isn't true.
An example is tighter immigration policy. Less workers in a country means companis are forced to pay citizens more to keep them. Without H1B visas they would have to provide free training to their low skilled workers in order to have enough specialists to produce their products/services thus raising people out of poverty. The way it works now is we just bring in upper class citizens from other countries whose families had enough money to send them to good colleges to take these jobs at lower wages than upper middle class Americans will work for thus lowering wages for the industry and helping well to do foreign citizens make slightly more while depriving their birth countries of the skilled labor they need. Immigration benifits the rich at the expense of the poor.
That's one example.
AngelicDevilz t1_j4tr30o wrote
Reply to comment by stringrandom in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
I don't know, he is a partisan talk show host. All he does is try and make all democrats and their talking points sound good. Anything a conservative does he tries to make sound bad even if its something he praised a Dem senator for a year prior. Shit I'm a communist but he is so pro establishment it grosses me out.
I could see him trying to turn villians into trump and having fantasy characters endorea 2023 Dem party talking points as the morality of the book. Def don't see him changing everything to throw identity politics everywhere.
AngelicDevilz t1_j4tq5xy wrote
Reply to comment by Underlord_Fox in Stephen Colbert to Produce Series Adaptation Of Roger Zelanzny’s Sci-Fi Novels ‘The Chronicles Of Amber’ by Neo2199
Are yóu crazy, the ending was great, far from notes. It requires no interpretation, just copy the book as it is.
AngelicDevilz t1_j4hkf0v wrote
Reply to comment by LovelyRita999 in How Hbo Max's Velma could be better and not being controversial by trover2345325
That might have been funny if shaggy said it.
But norville doesn't sound like shaggy, doesn't talk like shaggy, doesn't act like shaggy, doesn't look like shaggy.
He is a new character who happens to have the same name.
AngelicDevilz t1_j49xieo wrote
Reply to comment by Sad-Hunt1141 in Underdefined Terms in the Abortion Debate by ADefiniteDescription
We will have to agree to disagree. Even without conciousness (which we cannot be sure of either way) I still think it's wrong. People spend hours unconscious every night, doesn't make it okay to murder them in their sleep.
AngelicDevilz t1_j49rodd wrote
Reply to comment by Sad-Hunt1141 in Underdefined Terms in the Abortion Debate by ADefiniteDescription
There is a guy I don't like, a guy most people hate because he is a theif, scam artist, etc. A few months back he finally screwed over the wrong person and was jumped by two guys. He got hit in the head with a blunt object and then punched and his head slammed into the pavement hard. He was taken to a hospital and after a few days declared braindead. They reached out to his family and his mother was suppose to come see him the next day and they were going to pull the plug. His few friends spread the word that night thinking someone might actually be sad about it.
Well when I heard the news I was esctastic that the piece of shit was dead. A group of us in the same circle were celebrating. This dude had stolen from or mugged almost everyone in our social circle at some point so we drank shots to his karma catching up to him.
Skip forward a few months to last week. This guy walks up to me and says he remembers me but not my name. I had to do a double take, it was the very same piece of shit only instead of being a huge hulk of a man he was now skin and bones. He had a hole in his head and a hair piece that covered it. He feigned having no memory from before his attack but I told him to stay the hell away from me even if he is special needs now or whatever.
The point is though he was alive and well. I asked a friend that actually was friends with him what the deal was. Apparently his sister flipped out when their mother explained about the plan to come say goodbye and pull the plug. She convinced her mom not to do it and so the plug was not pulled despite him being braindead. Three days later he started recovering and showing brain activity again and then woke up.
So i have to say thay are just as valued as if a piece of shit with very negative karma can recover from being braindead in a coma I guess anyone has a shot if the plug isn't pulled.
We just don't understand the brain well enough yet to really understand it.
So even with a fetus we just don't know enough about the brain to be 100% on consciousness or lack of if that's what you are getting at. Even before there is any brain they are still a living human. If we grew brainless humans in labs for donor organs, kept alive just to take parts from as they live alone in a tube people would be outraged and sickened, even without a brain.
I know atheists against abortion like myself are rare but I believe it wrong. I'll stick to human and alive as my red line for when executing the innocent is wrong
AngelicDevilz OP t1_j699srp wrote
Reply to comment by oakteaphone in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
Ur died because smartphones made texting easier.
Unless something replaces smart phones then things will change over time.