Angry_Grandpa_ t1_itec1qc wrote
Reply to comment by ravelfish in 3D meat printing is coming by Shelfrock77
From what I've read they use fetal bovine serum to grow the cells -- which kind of defeats the purpose if you're a doing it for feel good reasons.
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_iteboda wrote
Reply to comment by Rebatu in 3D meat printing is coming by Shelfrock77
I think the focus of this type of meat production should be for space stations or other hard to reach locations where growing it conventionally is impossible.
Angry_Grandpa_ OP t1_it5o31d wrote
Reply to comment by jotmoney in A YouTube large language model for a scant $35 million. by Angry_Grandpa_
Good question. I think there is still work to be done. The goal would be 99%... but it looks like the best models aren't quite there yet.
Here is an article on the topic:
Angry_Grandpa_ OP t1_it50h5j wrote
Reply to comment by manOnPavementWaving in A YouTube large language model for a scant $35 million. by Angry_Grandpa_
What is your estimate?
Angry_Grandpa_ OP t1_it4qmjp wrote
Reply to comment by manOnPavementWaving in A YouTube large language model for a scant $35 million. by Angry_Grandpa_
It's based on the Chinchilla paper and not my personal opinion. You should read the paper.
If you think the assumptions are wrong you should do your own projections based on the paper.
Angry_Grandpa_ OP t1_it4f1tc wrote
Reply to comment by ScionoftheToad in A YouTube large language model for a scant $35 million. by Angry_Grandpa_
The comments weren't included -- just the Youtube videos themselves. I agree that the utility of the comments would be very close to nil.
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_iru95tj wrote
Reply to comment by saleemkarim in When will average office jobs start disappearing? by pradej
It's a lot simpler than that. The systems are not ready. If they had a turnkey system that could do it we'd have it.
It will eventually happen. Almost every grocery store has self checkout lanes now. But it took quite awhile. CVS finally got them in the last year.
Ditto for "driverless cars". Elon Musk keeps saying it's this year... eventually he will be right if he says it every year.
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_irtx9bz wrote
I think because we're conscious we want to replicate it. However, self-referential intention is probably not going to happen (and if it does it is probably a long, long way down the road) and for most things we don't want it to happen.
I don't want the AI taking my order at Taco Bell to be self-aware and have a life goal. I just want it to get my order right 99.9999% of the time. And for most jobs that AI will displace that will also be the case.
However, AI will likely be able to fool a lot of people into believing they're conscious based on extremely large datasets of answers and so for some it won't matter one way or the other. It will seem conscious -- even though it will not have an inner life or intentional goals.
I think a lot of introverted loners will enjoy and benefit from conversations with AI agents even if they know deep down it's not a conscious entity. And it won't have the side effects of anti-depressants.
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_irqi9qz wrote
We already have distributed intelligence across millions and millions of years to give us an idea. If it's capable of self-referential intention (consciousness) then it would probably have a similar set of questions and faster processing times -- but we're processing across billions of slow humans and the progress has been slow as it relates to the deeper questions. It won't have the working memory limitations of humans which will allow it to come up with some novel ideas.
But I don't think it's the holy grail everyone is seeking. It's another evolutionary step toward something -- possibly just super intelligence and not a conscience being (this seems very likely). In which case it will be an extension of humans just like a fighter jet or a spaceship -- but constrained by our biases, wants, and needs.
The AI programs are amazing at what they do, but not being self-aware or having an ability for self-referential intention just makes them a clever tool of humanity. Yes they will change society and displace a lot of people, but a calculator changes the world too. We may view them as calculators that do all of the drudgery but lack any goals (other than the goals we give them).
I will be happy when the fast food cashiers stop screwing up orders due to AI.
Angry_Grandpa_ OP t1_ir8r3b0 wrote
Reply to comment by SFTExP in Simulated Reality and conscious entities. by Angry_Grandpa_
Me too. =-)
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_ir609my wrote
Reply to comment by TheNotSoEvilEngineer in Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
Assuming they're conscious this would be a problem -- but most of the things we would consider "slavery" could be done with non-conscious agents. This is also true of most jobs -- they wouldn't need to be conscious and self-aware to replace most of the mundane drudgery.
It's an open question whether consciousness can be simulated (I think it's probably far, far into the future or impossible). However, a synthetic superintelligence is in the process of being created and that is something we need to start preparing for in the near term. I think that will be disruptive enough to keep everyone busy for decades.
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_ir5z8fa wrote
Reply to Creating a Research group to study and try to solve the ageing problem. by naturethesupreme
I thought aging was a feature and not a bug?
Angry_Grandpa_ OP t1_ir5yt73 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Simulated Reality and conscious entities. by Angry_Grandpa_
You would need to try this a few times on random people to see if you get different results. Let me know your test results. =-)
Angry_Grandpa_ t1_itjt0qb wrote
Reply to comment by 4e_65_6f in Large Language Models Can Self-Improve by xutw21
We know that scaling appears to be the only thing required to increase performance. No new tricks required. However, they will also be improving the algorithms simultaneously.