
Angryblak t1_iu4o1v0 wrote

Willful ignorance is in abundance so i'll bite. People like OP ONLY post news articles from the Post or Daily news that have a negative and very prominent conservative bias. One intention is to paint the city like some sort of dystopian hellscacpe when in fact people that actually live and/or spend time here know that isn't true.

>yeah even if the user is just running around posting inflammatory shit who cares?

I care. the people that live here should care. This is not representative of our city or indicative of the situation on the ground. Its blatant fear mongering and detracts from reasonable discussion about people who have a vetted interest in sustainable long term improvement and quality of this city. I am sure I don't speak alone when I say I don't want you weirdos adding input JuSt FoR DeBaTE.