
Animanialmanac t1_its27dx wrote

Is there some type of survey or feedback form, or is the DOT taking feedback in the Reddit comments? All is see is the paywalled Sun article. I gave up my Sun subscription for a Baltimore Banner subscription. I’m sure many residents don’t have either. This seems a little elitist to me if they only allow people with Baltimore Sun subscriptions to provide feedback. I drive this interchange regularly to and from patients west of the city. I drove it today and saw the back up of cars waiting to get through the alternate merge area, that could use improvement.


Animanialmanac t1_itlp54a wrote

Baltimore Motorsports is on Franklintown Road in West Baltimore. That’s where riders get the neat looking crash jackets and pants, riding boots.

The Maryland Emergency Medicine coalition has free helmet resources, they give away more bicycle helmets than dirt bike helmets because dirt bike riders don’t accept the free helmets. There are medical studies on getting dirt bike riders to wear helmets, it’s a social issue more than a financial issue.


Animanialmanac t1_isunwxy wrote

Citywide ballot initiatives? Formal auditing of the housing fine and appeal process. People use those fines to push their own agenda, penalize resident groups that try to organize. I lived here 25 plus years caring for my property without a single problem with housing fines. I received my first and second fine this year when I questioned why the new councilwoman and her friends made it difficult for the local organizations to work, while promoting her friends’ organization. I wasn’t eligible for the fine appeal process because the Environmental Control Board didn’t send the notice to me on time, a failure of the Environmental Control Board meant that the Environmental Control Board was allowed to deny my right to appeal the fines. The circular non logic of the situation supports corruption. The fine process does nothing to address the vacant houses and new slumlords who don’t care for their properties, those properties don’t receive fines. The fines are only used to penalize people who own their homes and try to live here. The process needs an audit or investigation, I’d support a ballot initiative creating an audit process for those fines.


Animanialmanac t1_isi3qic wrote

I’m so sorry that happened to you. I don’t have an extra sleeping bag but one of the churches near that area may have supplies for you. That is a very bad area, a former pt patient of mine was mugged and beaten in the lot of that same laundromat last year. Police witnessed the incident and didn’t intervene or assist him afterwards, he was beaten so severely he needed back surgeries, and will never be the same even with intensive rehab.

I wish you well finding a new place to call home and supplies to get you through.


Animanialmanac t1_is2el78 wrote

I’d like to update my ranking if I may. I took the day off to listen to the city council hearing on sewage overflows. Councilman Burnett asked so many good questions, he is really grounded on how the city agencies work and how they allocate money. I move Councilman Burnett to 1+ gold star along with Councilwoman Ramos.

Councilman Torrence was on the panel, he provided a heartfelt story of an elderly person in his area. I was impressed by his compassion and his questions to the agencies. I wasn’t aware of anything from Councilman Torrence before today, after listening to him I believe he may be very good for the future of the city.

Councilwoman McCray is very organized, I’d hire her as an office manager if I still had a busy practice. She kept the meeting timely. This is a valuable service the city needs, more efficiency.

Councilwoman Porter was on the panel, she is my council representative, she is never responsive to my requests, my neighbors’ requests, 311 requests. I heard rumors from people I trust, people I’ve known for years that Councilwoman Porter is only responsive to a small group of her friends in Pigtown and her campaign contributors. She never responded when houses in my neighborhood of Saint Agnes experienced this sewage flooding, 20 houses along three blocks were flooded with sewage, no response to anyone from the council office. I was shocked to hear a resident from Barry Circle speak about how helpful Councilwoman Porter was, even though this resident wasn’t sure if her flooding problem was eligible for the city reimbursement. When I looked up Barry Circle it is part of Pigtown, I’m sad to confirm my thoughts that Councilwoman Porter responds to her friends, neighbors in Pigtown, but not the rest of her district. Our little area got through these sewage flows with help from neighbors and former neighbors. We need someone in council who helps the whole district not just a small group of friends. I think Porter should be ranked below Councilman Torrence.


Animanialmanac t1_irf6vby wrote

I’m not a fan of reptiles, I went to House of Tropicals out of curiosity when they took in the lizard, the fish displays there are amazing, the people were very nice and informative even though I was just window shopping.

I feel the universe is pulling me toward Hampden. A good friend moved there earlier this year, she loves it. I love hearing of good people, good businesses in the city.


Animanialmanac t1_ir81nek wrote

You’re welcome. I’ve heard the services in Porter’s district depend on whether you’re part of her clique. A commenter from Pigtown mentioned the community association there thinks highly of her, but other Pigtown residents wrote she wasn’t responsive. I heard at the Violetville meetings that her friend has special DPW services cleaning the alley behind their home while the rest of the area is dirty.

My area has abandoned vehicles that have been here since last year, one is partially burned. Two large street trees fell earlier this year, neighbors cut the trunks so they didn’t block the road but the debris is still on the curb months later. Half the houses on my block are now empty, people moved out in the last year, one house has squatters who openly use and sell drugs, dump dirty furniture in the park, and break into the other vacant homes. We can’t get any help from Porter’s office or the police. My 311 requests are closed without anything happening, I’ve never received a response to an email or phone call to her office.


Animanialmanac t1_ir5wcy4 wrote

This is a good idea for people to learn more about the city and the council members.

I would rank Councilwoman Ramos and Councilman Burnett even higher if possible, 1+ or gold star. Both council members support residents in my area, respond to questions fast, even though we are in district 10 under Phylicia Porter.

I would rank John Bullock higher, 9 or 8. I have patients in his area, his constituent services are responsive, not always fast. He does a lot for the older, low income people in his area, he’s not visible on Twitter the way other council members are, he responds, fixes problems then moves on. I’ve worked in his area a lot in the last year, primarily with shooting victims. There is a lot of poverty and violence but he supports multiple resources for residents, youth programs, food pantries, employment programs.

I would rank Phylicia Porter much lower. I can’t speak to her specific voting record, she supports heavy industry truck traffic over residents, low wage jobs over living wage opportunities, commercial interests over resident health and the environment. Our area devolved in the last two years, no support for grassroots organizations, youth resources or events that bring neighborhoods together. No support for the small businesses that made our area unique. The feeling of the area changed, no new accessible businesses like retail or restaurants are coming here. We don’t event have neighborhood meetings anymore because people are worried they will be fined for stepping on toes. The only legislation I saw from her was the abortion fund for out of state patients, she never helps the many homeless women in our area who need access to reproductive health services, that legislation seemed more for publicity than to help people who need help now. Constituent services is very bad, I lived here for decades with Eddie Reisinger, I never thought someone could be worse at constituent services but Porter is worse than Reisinger. I have six different 311 requests on my road that effect our quality of life here, no help for months. The block captains for my block and the next one over go directly to Mayor Scott now because they can’t get help from Porter’s office.

I would rank Robert Stokes lower if possible. I have patients in Robert Stokes area, his constituent services are nonexistent. I tried to get help for hoarder situations, elderly abuse, failure to maintain rehab facilities, never received a response from his office.