AnnieOakleysKid t1_je792sk wrote
Reply to [WP] To finally solve all problems caused by humans, God made six new earths, to separate everyone depending on their sins, Earth 1 being for the best people and Earth 7 for the worst sinners. Every 50 years, angels arrive and re-judge people to decide if they should stay, go up or down. by QuantisOne
(WP) To finally solve all problems caused by humans, God made six new earths, to separate everyone depending on their sins, Earth 1 being for the best people and Earth 7 for the worst sinners. Every 50 years, angels arrive and re-judge people to decide if they should stay, go up or down.
And they appear without warning. You'll be working, jogging, sleeping or even bathing and suddenly one will be there ready to escort you to "The Tunnel", for your sentence.
I was laying on my couch, after a frustrating day at work with a bunch of imbeciles, who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Especially this real jackass, who thought he knew everything and me, his boss, knew nothing just because I was new.
I felt like a cat wrangler on a cheap movie set. I'd tell one where to go and what to do, and move onto the next when the first returns with a baffled look on his face asking, "Now what did you say to do?". Ughhh.
I couldn't wait to go home. I wasted no time rushing to my little sleeping room over a crappy neighborhood bagel shop. I unlocked the door, hurried in and kicked my sweaty, hot workboots off, pulled my nasty socks off and collapse on my couch, wiggling my cramped toes loose with relief. I had just closed my eyes and was rubbing my temples dreading tomorrow when the room got real cold, like the air conditioner had kicked on.
I raised my head and was instantly startled, standing by my front door, was this huge, and I do mean huge, beast. It had the large mane and head of a lion, and the body of someone who had taken a mega dose of steroids their entire life.
On his feet were gold shoes with little wings at the heels, fluttering and behind him stood these ginormous set of beautiful, snow white wings attached at his shoulder blades, softly flapping back and forth, producing this chilling breeze that rivaled any ac unit.
I started to scream as I sat up in fear, and this Lion Angel quickly held up his hand as if to stop me, and I lost my voice. I was screaming but nothing came out. The beast then waved his hand at me in a downward motion and my body instantly complied and drop to the couch. Fear raged through me. I knew what the beast wanted and why he was here. It was my turn to go.
AnnieOakleysKid t1_jea2fuz wrote
Reply to comment by QuantisOne in [WP] To finally solve all problems caused by humans, God made six new earths, to separate everyone depending on their sins, Earth 1 being for the best people and Earth 7 for the worst sinners. Every 50 years, angels arrive and re-judge people to decide if they should stay, go up or down. by QuantisOne
Thank you.