AnnoyingGadfly t1_jegtye9 wrote
Reply to Ecuador court upholds ‘rights of nature,’ blocks copper mine proposed for biodiversity hotspot in cloud forest by erikmongabay
I’m not sure exactly how to phrase this, but issues like these point out a contradiction in current green environmental policy.
We want to protect nature in its pristine form. But we also want to re do our power grid, install renewable energy plants and make all cars electric.
We don’t have enough metals like copper, lithium, and cobalt to do this. Which means we will have to open up many many new mines, which is really destructive to nature and the surrounding communities.
An uncomfortable truth we need to start looking at.
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jegajhi wrote
Reply to comment by Throwaway08080909070 in Russia Signals Ban On Dairy Imports From Armenia by caucasushell
It could be, but realistically Greece can’t do much besides offer moral support. Turkey will make sure NATO never helps.
Without a guarantor, Azerbaijan will attack again someday. And despite the bravery of the Armenian soldiers they are outgunned and out numbered.
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jeg9gwp wrote
Reply to comment by fl4tworld89 in Russia Signals Ban On Dairy Imports From Armenia by caucasushell
Problem is nobody has poor Armenias back. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jeg9bj4 wrote
Reply to comment by Throwaway08080909070 in Russia Signals Ban On Dairy Imports From Armenia by caucasushell
The Armenians already know this. The problem, is to whom do they turn?
Russia and Georgia are the only neighbors they have that don’t actively want them dead.
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jeg90wn wrote
Always helpful when you take the most violent and aggressive members of society and throw them at the enemy.
I wonder if there are any meta studies on the mass deployment of military aged men and the affect it has on crime domestically.
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jeg79c8 wrote
Neither the US or the Iranians recognize the authority of this body.
Kind of like Hawaiian police giving a speeding ticket to a German man in Algeria.
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jeg6lws wrote
Reply to comment by givafux in ICJ orders US to pay compensation for freezing Iranian assets by givafux
A Chinese court has just found you guilty of dissidence.
Please report to your local CCP prefect immediately. Remember no one is above the law!
AnnoyingGadfly t1_jegwpht wrote
Reply to Russia's biggest oil producer Rosneft joins hands with Indian Oil Company by Falls_stuff
India has always gone it’s own way and done what is best for India. They care little for the “great power games” of the wider world. I don’t don’t blame them, they have over 1 billion people to feed and manage.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone though.