
Anonymous1985388 t1_j0wyja2 wrote

I would expect that some sort of alarm gets triggered when a car goes through and a license plate does not get scanned. Should be enough time for police to look at the photo of the car whose license plate didn’t get properly read, and the car can get pulled over by police when they come out the other side of the tunnel. Though I don’t know how the technology works.


Anonymous1985388 t1_iwms6mh wrote

If your budget is $3K, have you considered Manhattan, NYC? I’m not sure about finding a 1 bedroom in Manhattan for under $3K but there’s probably studios out there at that price point.


Anonymous1985388 t1_ivhug6q wrote

Have government officials considered spending the $4.7 billion to add an extra lane each way to the Holland Tunnel under the river (so making it 3 lanes each way under the river)? If that's what's causing the traffic, then let's fix the root of the problem rather than making enhancements around the perimeter of the problem.


Anonymous1985388 t1_iv73gdb wrote

I speak up but I'm selective about when I speak up. If the person looks angry or unhinged, I may move to another section of the train. If the person looks to be on their way to the office or is a tourist with their whole family there, and they're making someone uncomfortable, then yea I may speak up.


Anonymous1985388 t1_itw4x1s wrote

My friend drove for Uber when he was unemployed and looking for work. Could you do that? Gig work like Uber/Lyft is probably quicker to get started and start earning than more traditional, salaried type roles.


Anonymous1985388 t1_is07nvs wrote

At the Holland Tunnel, I think it’s now completely switched to cashless tolling (electronic tolling). The Cash, EZ Pass structures are still there. Was reading about people covering up part or all of their license plates going through the electronic reader.