
AnotherPalePianist t1_iujs9rk wrote

Absolutely. I’ve had plenty of boyfriends my mom didn’t like. She never once said anything negative about them unless they were treating me poorly because they were people I cared about. It would have been rude and honestly pretty cruel. OP’s mom needs to learn some manners🙃


AnotherPalePianist t1_iujcxjr wrote

Yup. I was in a five year relationship and it was slow as mud. I ended it for several reasons (mostly I realized he didn’t even like me but whatever), took some time for me, and my current boyfriend and I already talk about the future. Plans to move in together (next year), moving cities when we’re done with school, a timeline for getting married and trying to start a family……it’s been a few months. It’s flourishing. The difference is astounding when someone is actually prepared to be your partner (and you’re prepared to be theirs) and not just your best buddy who you love a lot and then waste time to “see where things go.”

At most, I’d assume a year is enough to tell. Thoughts?


AnotherPalePianist t1_iujblom wrote

Yup. Usually it’s more about people pleasing, trying to give it more time “because they’re such a good person,” or just the unfortunate fact that people don’t always know what they want. It sucks to be on either side of it, but god….cheating is not the only reason people leave


AnotherPalePianist t1_iujb2b4 wrote

Unfortunately most of them aren’t built solely on love either. I’m not saying it’s not a possibility that he’s a jerk, found someone else, whatever….but I think it’s also totally possible he just learned (unfortunately the hard way, through living together in a matchbox) that the two of them don’t click the way he needs. He may regret it later. I hope OP is beyond this by that too me if he does