
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t7ggn wrote


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t762h wrote

Seems like some Pop Tarts do indeed have carmine color on the label, but I really don't understand how it's possible to farm small bugs in the quantities needed (tons) to supply a giant food factory. Imagine if you had to go out and collect 10 tons of ants.

Something about this doesn't add up, and Googling around it seems the Internet is overflowing with anecdotal information on this where everyone is getting their info from vague sources.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1n43jz wrote

"When you start walking, my friend, and you get ten, fifteen miles on the highway, you won't be struttin' that ass. You'll be so fuckin' tired, you won't hardly hold that ass up."


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1abil6 wrote

It'a kind of hilarious seeing the youngsters having no idea what that number is. I mean for christ sake I wasn't around in the 1960s but I've heard a fuckton of songs from that era, and Jenny was a #4 hit in 1981.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j162kea wrote

I would be curious when these first started appearing in homes. Wikipedia just focuses on the research rather than the rollout in products.

I figure stereo equipment is a good place to look, and just a quick scan suggests manufacturers weren't putting LEDs in until around 1975. Here's a deck from 1975 that was using the bulbs.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j0vqhi2 wrote

Pretty weird that the Sixty Minutes article on Wikipedia has a large paragraph on the stopwatch but it says nothing about a switch to CGI. I was curious what date they changed it, as CGI back then was kind of a big deal.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_j0srlzs wrote

Purina is some garbage... way back in the day I adopted a shelter dog and she had all kinds of digestive problems for a few weeks until I took her off Purina and put her on IAMS. All those problems cleared up literally overnight. To this day I will never give a dog cheap dog food if I can help it.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_iu4vid5 wrote

There's no point in clapping the board, but you damn sure want to keep detailed logs of which scene you're recording. A slate for the camera is an easy way to do that. Things get super confusing if you have piles of film and have no idea what's what.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_iu4uwxm wrote

Still useful, I bought a $10 clapperboard last month. Good luck keeping a high quality microphone and a webcam synced up in Windows, especially in postproduction. Sync problems should not be a thing in the digital age, but here we are, I see this problem constantly.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_itqp5h2 wrote

"Why don't they build the whole plane out of the black box?"

I could have sworn it was Jerry Seinfeld that said that, but apparently it was the great deadpan comedian Steven Wright.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_it9kw9l wrote

I got a better idea. First we get a job working at the bank. Doesn't matter the position as long as we get in there. Then we just go in there for twenty, thirty years, and gain their trust while they deposit the money.