AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t7ggn wrote
Reply to comment by Hattix in TIL the FDA’s Food Defect Action Levels Handbook details the acceptable levels of contaminants of food from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, “foreign matter”, mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces. by anogre8me
It's bizarre how "The Jungle" is making a return.
So we've got robber barons as well... what's next, Indian raids and Wild West gunfights?
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t762h wrote
Reply to comment by Dumpster_Sauce in TIL the FDA’s Food Defect Action Levels Handbook details the acceptable levels of contaminants of food from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, “foreign matter”, mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces. by anogre8me
Seems like some Pop Tarts do indeed have carmine color on the label, but I really don't understand how it's possible to farm small bugs in the quantities needed (tons) to supply a giant food factory. Imagine if you had to go out and collect 10 tons of ants.
Something about this doesn't add up, and Googling around it seems the Internet is overflowing with anecdotal information on this where everyone is getting their info from vague sources.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t69mh wrote
Reply to comment by a_drive in TIL the FDA’s Food Defect Action Levels Handbook details the acceptable levels of contaminants of food from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, “foreign matter”, mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces. by anogre8me
Mr Lahey has joined the chat
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1q251f wrote
Reply to comment by Barkalow in TIL Sigmund Freud made the decision to flee Austria after his daughter Anna was interrogated by the Gestapo for nearly 12 hours. He was able to buy safe passage out of Austria just in time with 31,000 Reich marks in 1938 by Ok_Copy5217
Man, that's about the cost of a crack shack in Seattle.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1n43jz wrote
Reply to comment by Hughjarse in TIL while writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens was "taking night-time walks of 15 to 20 miles (24 to 32 km) around London." to build out the story in his head. by SuperMcG
"When you start walking, my friend, and you get ten, fifteen miles on the highway, you won't be struttin' that ass. You'll be so fuckin' tired, you won't hardly hold that ass up."
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1n3rcz wrote
Reply to TIL while writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens was "taking night-time walks of 15 to 20 miles (24 to 32 km) around London." to build out the story in his head. by SuperMcG
Multiple nighttime walks over 15 miles in 1840s London... how did this guy not get mugged every night?
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1n2hdt wrote
Reply to comment by Rossknight65 in TIL Why Dog Paws Smell Like Fritos. Even the cleanest, healthiest pooch has trillions of bacteria and fungi living on their skin. That yeasty, corn chip smell is actually a normal byproduct of harmless bacteria, usually Proteus or Pseudomonas, both of which are naturally present in our environment. by Rossknight65
This is definitely not coincidental.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1gqv0y wrote
February 24: "Don't up your game."
April: "Don't up your game."
September: "Don't up your game."
December 23: "Okay, I think it's time to up your game, defense industry."
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1ayrwq wrote
Reply to TIL about Wacky cakes, (AKA crazy cakes), which were created as the result of rationing during World War II, and which are unique in that unlike many pastries and desserts, no eggs, butter or milk are used to make the cake batter. by abaganoush
What's with that Wikipedia article? "Let's not show the finished dessert, let's just show a pile of ingredients".
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1abil6 wrote
Reply to comment by -DementedAvenger- in TIL that DMVs in the US are allowed to sell some of your personal information and do. This practice is legal under federal law. For example, Florida’s DMV made $77 million and California’s DMV made $52 million in 2017 through this practice alone. by TheKeyboardKid
It'a kind of hilarious seeing the youngsters having no idea what that number is. I mean for christ sake I wasn't around in the 1960s but I've heard a fuckton of songs from that era, and Jenny was a #4 hit in 1981.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j162kea wrote
Reply to TIL in 1962 a General Electric engineer named Nick Holonyak developed the first LED light bulb capable of emitting visible red light. The same bulb was used in the 1964 stop animation animated TV special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for Rudolph’s bioluminescent nose. by undergroundgeek
I would be curious when these first started appearing in homes. Wikipedia just focuses on the research rather than the rollout in products.
I figure stereo equipment is a good place to look, and just a quick scan suggests manufacturers weren't putting LEDs in until around 1975. Here's a deck from 1975 that was using the bulbs.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j0vqhi2 wrote
Reply to TIL the stopwatch on 60 Minutes was real and is now on display at the Smithsonian. "This watch was used on the program until the late 1990s, when it was replaced by a computer graphic." by Fortune-Sensitive
Pretty weird that the Sixty Minutes article on Wikipedia has a large paragraph on the stopwatch but it says nothing about a switch to CGI. I was curious what date they changed it, as CGI back then was kind of a big deal.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j0srlzs wrote
Reply to comment by Landlubber77 in TIL that in 1983, Purina's Chuck Wagon dog food was given a promotional video game for the Atari 2600 called "Chase the Chuck Wagon". It could only be received by proof of purchase labels and is considered the "Holy Grail" of Atari 2600 video game collecting. by ZootyCutie
Purina is some garbage... way back in the day I adopted a shelter dog and she had all kinds of digestive problems for a few weeks until I took her off Purina and put her on IAMS. All those problems cleared up literally overnight. To this day I will never give a dog cheap dog food if I can help it.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_iu4vid5 wrote
Reply to comment by snow_michael in TIL, in film, a clapperboard’s purpose is ensuring proper synchronization of audio and video in post-production. It provides a distinct “clap” along with a visual event for the editor to reference at the start of a scene. by PianoCharged
There's no point in clapping the board, but you damn sure want to keep detailed logs of which scene you're recording. A slate for the camera is an easy way to do that. Things get super confusing if you have piles of film and have no idea what's what.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_iu4uwxm wrote
Reply to TIL, in film, a clapperboard’s purpose is ensuring proper synchronization of audio and video in post-production. It provides a distinct “clap” along with a visual event for the editor to reference at the start of a scene. by PianoCharged
Still useful, I bought a $10 clapperboard last month. Good luck keeping a high quality microphone and a webcam synced up in Windows, especially in postproduction. Sync problems should not be a thing in the digital age, but here we are, I see this problem constantly.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_itqp5h2 wrote
Reply to comment by waffles-n-gravy in TIL that flight recorders must be able to withstand an acceleration of 3400 g for 6.5 milliseconds and that this is roughly equivalent to an impact velocity of 270 knots (310 mph; 500 km/h). by IchBinKoloss
"Why don't they build the whole plane out of the black box?"
I could have sworn it was Jerry Seinfeld that said that, but apparently it was the great deadpan comedian Steven Wright.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_it9l0m1 wrote
Reply to comment by Good_nuff in TIL that in 2005 burglars stole $71.6 million from a bank in Fortaleza, Brazil by setting up a fake landscaping company near the bank and digging a 256ft tunnel beneath two city blocks to the bank over 3 months. Neighbors noticed vanloads of soil removed daily but assumed it was business-related. by Lagavulin16_neat
*sound of Redditors getting out tape measures to see if they'd fit in there*
AnthillOmbudsman t1_it9kw9l wrote
Reply to TIL that in 2005 burglars stole $71.6 million from a bank in Fortaleza, Brazil by setting up a fake landscaping company near the bank and digging a 256ft tunnel beneath two city blocks to the bank over 3 months. Neighbors noticed vanloads of soil removed daily but assumed it was business-related. by Lagavulin16_neat
I got a better idea. First we get a job working at the bank. Doesn't matter the position as long as we get in there. Then we just go in there for twenty, thirty years, and gain their trust while they deposit the money.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_it9ja1u wrote
Reply to comment by omnichronos in Putin fires rifle during visit to challenge reservist narrative by nhatthongg
I would bet there were National Guard sharpshooters around to make sure no one got any ideas, especially after what happened at that other training area.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_it0pwbf wrote
Reply to TIL the price of textbooks increases by an average of 12% with each new edition by ExperienceKCC
Textbook publisher LPT: Always make sure you put out a new edition every month, especially if it's something that never changes like calculus.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_it0nqa5 wrote
Reply to comment by Callipygian_Linguist in TIL that in an effort to save $43.5, the Canadian Mint mailed the dies of the new $1 coin via a discount courier over using an armored car- which were promptly stolen and have never been found. This would lead to the adoption of the Loonie design as an emergency replacement. by Padgriffin
Think of it as "democracy manifest".
AnthillOmbudsman t1_isw998l wrote
Reply to TIL a neutron star in the constellation Sagittarius rotates 716 times per second. by shallowblue
You could make some crazy designs drawing on that star with a marker while it rotates under the pen.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_irwtlob wrote
Reply to comment by AudibleNod in TIL Bing Crosby, called the first multimedia star, recorded over 1600 songs and 70 feature films by PicardTangoAlpha
Thank god for Tiktok, it's like a vacuum cleaner for all the attention whores infesting Twitch and Youtube.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_irwtep8 wrote
Reply to comment by MindYerOwnBusiness in TIL Bing Crosby, called the first multimedia star, recorded over 1600 songs and 70 feature films by PicardTangoAlpha
His kids seem to have different opinions on the abuse story. idk what to think.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1t7qxn wrote
Reply to comment by Extreme-Cow-722 in TIL the FDA’s Food Defect Action Levels Handbook details the acceptable levels of contaminants of food from sources such as maggots, thrips, insect fragments, “foreign matter”, mold, rodent hairs, and insect and mammalian feces. by anogre8me
It's the shit threshold, Randy. Sometimes it's a little under, sometimes it's a little over.