AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4xtjqd wrote
Reply to TIL that only about 4% of the Earth's surface has two points on opposite sides of the world that are both on land by A_1337_Canadian
So don't dig a hole to China in your back yard, you might have the entire Indian Ocean come flooding out of the hole.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4reong wrote
Reply to TIL The oldest known map of New York City, the Manatus Map, is lost; however, two 17th century copies of the map exist with slight differences. by wil540_
It's kind of mind boggling trying to picture what Manhattan Island must have been like in the 1700s. This rendering is food for thought.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4r82lf wrote
Reply to comment by RadBadTad in TIL about SubTropolis, a giant former limestone mine under Kansas City that was converted into the world’s largest underground business complex. The 1,100-acre complex is accessed through tunnels, and as of 2015, 1,600 people worked there. by corn_dog_22
"Lord I'm so tired. How long can this go on?"
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4r7yrz wrote
Reply to TIL about SubTropolis, a giant former limestone mine under Kansas City that was converted into the world’s largest underground business complex. The 1,100-acre complex is accessed through tunnels, and as of 2015, 1,600 people worked there. by corn_dog_22
Interestingly some of this is visible on Google Street View. It's not clear to me how whoever took the pictures is getting GPS coordinates, there'd be no way to locate yourself underground.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4o3h5h wrote
Reply to comment by gustav316 in TIL Porters bringing tourists up 5,895m high Mt Kilimanjaro experience health issues caused by high altitude sickness. Their wages are fixed at $10 a day (some paid $6), while carrying 20 kilograms of baggage and camping gearing on the head by Ok_Copy5217
I would hate to be the person that came along after OP and tipped the recommended rate... the porters would probably give me the stink eye.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4daf1r wrote
Reply to TIL Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of Superman, attempted to replicate their success with a second superhero, Funnyman. His book was canceled after only six issues. by Realshow
More like "attempted to replicate the success of The Joker in the Batman franchise."
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j490n95 wrote
Reply to comment by Typical_Balance3892 in TIL that fish skin is used as wound dressing for severe burn injuries, leading to fast and very effective healing. by firesparxx
Well, the place was crowded. We were packed in like sardines. They were all there to listen to the big band sounds of Tommy Dorsal, what sole. Tommy was rockin' the place with a very popular tuna -- "Salmon Chanted Evening". And the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers. Probably there to see the bass player.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j3aa0uo wrote
Reply to comment by Andagaintothegym in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
Set your access point name to "Hexahectaenneacontakaioctogon Agency" to freak out your methhead neighbors.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j3a9vuw wrote
Reply to comment by TechnicalSymbiote in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
I think that was a song in Mary Poppins.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j3a9tfl wrote
Reply to comment by da90 in TIL Colorado is actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon, meaning it has 697 sides. by Dearfield
Also don't forget the curvature of spacetime due to gravitational forces.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j37i9bd wrote
Reply to comment by SuicidalGuidedog in TIL of execution by Breaking Wheel that would start with tying the body to a wheel, breaking the bones of the limbs, braiding the broken limbs through the spokes and leaving the body to be eaten by scavenging animals and birds. by muadib1974
Could be a scene from Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition: The Movie
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2nm90u wrote
Reply to comment by onewobblywheel in TIL that bots 🤖 drive ~40% of all internet traffic. by kkoolook
Speaking as someone who hasn't been in the dating pool for years, I'm constantly glad to not have to deal with dating these days. You have to compete with thousands of bots and swinging dicks clogging up the dating sites, and it's clearly gotten weirder these days to try to hook up with people outside online sites, work, school, or shitty dance clubs.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2evd8c wrote
Reply to comment by PopeHonkersVII in TIL about the Schienenzeppelin, a train powered by a rear-mounted propeller similar to a helicopter, capable of reaching 140 km/h (87 mph). Designed in 1930s Germany, it was intended to be a futuristic mode of transportation but never entered service due to technical issues and WWII by pooterpon
Yeah, that's going to chop hands and limbs off at those conventional platform stations. Jesus, what were they thinking.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2citpc wrote
Reply to comment by fongky in Ukrainian air defense will become stronger in new year – Zelensky by Espressodimare
No, they just loaded it with a list of Nazi targets.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2cb65n wrote
Reply to Russia is Europe's most dangerous country for journalists, Reporters Without Borders says by sckitzo
I was sure either Iceland or Vatican City was going to be at the top.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2a5vxd wrote
Reply to TIL the first story to include space travel, aliens, and interplanetary warfare ("A True Story") was written in Ancient Greek in the second century AD, and was written as a satire of outlandish ancient stories. by foodtower
>The novel begins with an explanation that the story is not at all "true", and that everything in it is a complete and utter lie.
Why even bother? That's like announcing you're going to make a joke every time you make one.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2a2u4y wrote
Reply to comment by theonlyrexkwondo in Russia Makes ‘Desecration’ of St. George Ribbon Criminal Offense by ChocolateTsar
Your cat is now on Russia's sanction list.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j2a2ppl wrote
That's why you want to write something like St. Aiden or St. Rex beneath it and then desecrate it, that way you get off on a technicality.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j29kfra wrote
Reply to Russia attacks town in bordering Chernihiv Oblast, causing blackout – President’s Office by sviterochec
A blackout of the Presidents Office... man that's crazy.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j20enob wrote
Reply to comment by BigCommieMachine in TIL that there is a brand of potato chips developed for prison commissaries that was so popular on the inside that it became available to the mass market. by a_side_of_toast
I took a look at Amazon and a reviewer describes them as "ketchup with a decent amount of umami". Sounds a lot like ketchup chips I picked up at Tractor Supply a few years ago... they were good but the tart taste got to be too much and I couldn't finish the bag.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j20dzx9 wrote
Reply to TIL that there is a brand of potato chips developed for prison commissaries that was so popular on the inside that it became available to the mass market. by a_side_of_toast
So are the Shebang chips just loaded with 5 times the normal seasoning and a ton of MSG? I've had good chips, the Kettle brand is probably about the best I've tasted, but I'm not sure how a brand can be on a completely different level.
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1xwxya wrote
Reply to comment by BrokenEye3 in TIL about Jean-Louis Brenninkmeijer, an English billionaire who immigrated to Canada and is funding the creation of a miniature model of the whole country by _Kinel_
When the rising tide engulfs the shore
And the waves roll over Arkansas
Will the ship return to anchor there and replace the sunken state?
For the ship was shaped like Arkansas
And the hull was formed without a flaw
Every detail had been reproduced on a scale of one to one
--Arkansas, They Might Be Giants (well, John Linnell, half of it)
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j1xp0ly wrote
Reply to Putin bans Russian oil exports to countries that imposed price cap -decree by PatientBuilder499
wtf is a "price cap-decree"?
AnthillOmbudsman t1_j4xuwy9 wrote
Reply to comment by A_1337_Canadian in TIL that only about 4% of the Earth's surface has two points on opposite sides of the world that are both on land by A_1337_Canadian
"Are you trying to tell me," said Arthur, "that you made the Earth with hardly any land antipodes?"
"Oh yes," said Slartibartfast. "Did you ever go to a place…I think it was called Portugal?"
"No," said Arthur, "no, I didn’t."
"Pity." said Slartibartfast. "That antipode is in New Zealand. Which has fjords. I was going to have all the antipodes set up that way."