Antman013 t1_iua2t9a wrote
Reply to comment by ownersequity in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
This is, unfortunately, the case with MANY community organizations. Our modern world seems to have less time for the sort of community fraternization that was promoted by groups like the Kinsmen, Lion's Clubs, Rotary, and yes, Freemasonry. To say nothing of groups like the Scouts and Guides.
The mixing of people with disparate backgrounds on an equal footing allowed for a certain sense of community building among members. A Doctor sitting next to a factory working, ruminating on the issues of the day, would allow for a wider perspective for both men. That is something missing today.
I, too, was in a situation similar to yours when I joined, if not as extreme.
Antman013 t1_iua221g wrote
Reply to comment by Amisarth in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
That's just what they "want" you to believe . . . LOL. Freemason here, too. I always laugh at the conspiracy nonsense. If anyone ever brings it up around me, I will play along, tell them I am a Freemason and that, when we DO finally takeover, I'll be put in charge of Togo.
Antman013 t1_iuaff5g wrote
Reply to comment by ownersequity in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
Freemasonry has existed LONG before the 20th century. Kiwanis was founded in 1915, during WW1, but before US involvement. Lions Club was 1917. Rotary was founded in 1905.
So, while soldiers may have sought out these groups post WW2, they certainly were not the only people joining.