Antnee83 t1_j6y7vbl wrote
Reply to comment by Jakelshark in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
I mean, that's a fair point, but as an owner of an old fixerupper money pit myself, I can confidently say that those expenses pale in comparison to paying rent.
Antnee83 t1_j6y7hlc wrote
Reply to comment by Jakelshark in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
> So the mortgage might be $1,500, but the bank needs $2,300 monthly or whatever because they don't trust most people to keep up with insurance and taxes on their own.
Both of these things are part of a mortgage payment in almost all cases. Property taxes are paid on your behalf by the lender, and is included as part of your mortgage payment. You're almost always required to hold homeowners insurance (and not just the minimum policy) while you have a loan.
Antnee83 t1_j6y5va8 wrote
Reply to comment by Squidworth89 in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
Yeah, if only there was some way to... "insure" the home against such large damages, so that you didn't have to pay a huge lump sum out of pocket.
And they could even require that you hold that insurance on the home while the loan is still active!
Man if only.
Antnee83 t1_j6t25me wrote
Reply to comment by lobstah in How long until someone tries to park their car on top of this "solution"? by Arsenault185
My guess is that it's older people, already twitchy because its a busy parking lot, cutting the corner in such a way that the stop sign is directly in the little blind spot created by the uh... you know... the strips of metal that hold your windshield in place. I'm sure there's a name for those.
Antnee83 t1_j6szx6w wrote
Reply to comment by Derstilweedndat in How long until someone tries to park their car on top of this "solution"? by Arsenault185
Proximity activated trainhorn
Make it look like a person holding a sign
Replace it with an inflatable flailing arms tube man
Armed security force that fires without warning
Pile a bunch of empty shipping containers around it
Straight up just remove the goddamn thing because what is it even there for, since you don't need a stop sign to understand that you're supposed to stop at the end of a row of parking spaces like literally this is driving 101 why is there a stop sign there
Add a second stop sign a few feet from this one, so that people stop before plowing into them both
>!The Second Stop Sign is actually a Decoy Snail!<
Tire spikes
Antnee83 t1_j6ru4yj wrote
Reply to Warming Center info- Lincoln by JayhawkInMaine
Just dawned on me- imagine what would happen to the influx of out of state residents if "it gets so cold here that we have literal warming shelters" got out
Antnee83 t1_j6rr2cm wrote
Reply to Cold weather reminders: water will freeze when left outside and the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit by pig_penis
Honestly I don't worry all that much about pipes because I have a house that I actively live in.
...but for people living in trailers, who may not have been here long, even if it's just overnight the temps we're gonna get on friday night does warrant some extra attention.
Antnee83 t1_j6nve37 wrote
Reply to comment by WelcomeToTheBough in New Yorkers Never Came ‘Flooding Back.’ Why Did Rents Go Up So Much? by WelcomeToTheBough
Oh, but some study conducted by landholding interests that can't actually be replicated in any other study says rent control bad and make problem worse acktually
Antnee83 t1_j6ns3b5 wrote
Reply to comment by Derstilweedndat in New Yorkers Never Came ‘Flooding Back.’ Why Did Rents Go Up So Much? by WelcomeToTheBough
It's this. There is literally no reason, none whatsoever, for a near universal rent increase like what we've seen outside of simple profit-taking.
If most landlords were holding variable-interest loans? Yeah ok, then I could see it. But the vast, vast majority of loans are fixed these days. There's no excuse.
Antnee83 t1_j6mq13o wrote
Reply to comment by thenoweeknder in Stay warm this weekend by rocksandlsd
It's the type of cold that when you inhale, your boogers freeze all the way up to your brain
Antnee83 t1_j65xecc wrote
Reply to Maine Side Hustle by [deleted]
I shitpost on r/maine
I haven't figured out how to monetize it yet but watch the fuck out when I do!
Antnee83 t1_j65cwsg wrote
Reply to comment by KermitThrush in This is like 100 other posts so I will erase this post eventually but I just wanna complain about the weather by KermitThrush
Hey were you aware that you're being a knob for absolutely no reason?
Antnee83 t1_j5zaj46 wrote
Reply to comment by Vexxus in Lisbon Falls chef named semifinalist for James Beard Award by news-hound22
Yeah. They get dangerously close to r/wewantplates material at times.
Antnee83 t1_j5z92dp wrote
Yeah I knew it'd be Flux.
Is it good food? Yeah. Is it worth the price? Absolutely not. Even before Covid screwed everything up, the prices were ridiculous. 20 whole ass dollars for a chicken sandwich?
Antnee83 t1_j5z7oiu wrote
Reply to Hopelessly shoveling extremely heavy and wet snow out of my driveway out at six in the morning when a front loader operator driving by feels like saving my life. Absolute hero. by West_Ad_8279
Yeah, this is the first time in years I've called a plow. Just moving what was in the driveway was awful, there is no possible way I could have moved that waist-high mountain of death at the end
Antnee83 t1_j5twsd5 wrote
Reply to In need of help by YogiJ3ear
I don't know your situation, but no money + bad credit + a loan is gonna be a force multiplier that makes your situation worse (by a lot) in the long run.
Don't get trapped into a payday loan cycle. Do anything but that. Sell shit if you have to.
You say it's for bills- depending on exactly what it is, you may be able to get away with just not paying it right away and be better off (ESPECIALLY medical bills. Throw them right in the trash, I'm serious). Overdue bills aren't going to gather interest, generally. A loan to someone with shitty credit absolutely will.
Just something to think about. Sorry to hear about your situation.
Antnee83 t1_j5oqhpm wrote
Reply to comment by 20thMaine in Alright folks, 25” since Friday another 8-12” on the horizon followed by rain. At what point should I seriously consider shoveling the roof? by [deleted]
> Edit: now if we end up with like… 6 ft of snow on the roof, that might warrant more clearing
"Hey how come all the doors in the house won't close all the way all of a sudden?"
Antnee83 t1_j5ogs86 wrote
Reply to Alright folks, 25” since Friday another 8-12” on the horizon followed by rain. At what point should I seriously consider shoveling the roof? by [deleted]
Even if you can't get the whole thing, you should 100% roof rake what you can reach. Your roof will most likely support the weight of whatever we get here in the next few days but IMO with the rain on top of all that snow, Ice Dams are a bigger concern
Antnee83 t1_j5oe4dc wrote
Reply to comment by Themell in Powers out, generators broken, CMP is still assessing and I can’t have my coffee. How many are in same position. by dadoftwins04
"But if I talk back, dad'll hit me again"
How you sound rn
Antnee83 t1_j54rfet wrote
Reply to What brand of steel toe boots do the old timer construction workers, miners, and farmers wear in Maine? by Thro-it-a-way
I have a 15 year old pair of Carolinas that took me up thousands of feet of trees wearing spurs, and still keeps water out.
I'm going with those.
Antnee83 t1_j43wnln wrote
Reply to comment by LockAggressive5516 in PSA:In snowy conditions, expect people to drive slower. by BadLuckShoesie
This was back in I think 2011? 2012? Really bad snowstorm and I was living in Poland at the time. Dark, snowing like a motherfucker, roads weren't plowed yet at all.
Three ways I could get to where I lived. One was a gradual slow incline with a curve: Got halfway up and just could not get enough speed to keep climbing without ALSO making my tires spin. Back down I went, backwards.
The other was a very steep hill but a straightshot at the bottom. Tried to pick up speed, same goddamn thing happened.
So I had to go alllll the fuck away around, and ended up at the top of a hill, but at the bottom was a 90 degree turn. You guessed it, could not control my descent, and right into the ditch I went at the bottom.
AAA pulled me out, guy told me he just pulled someone off a tree at exactly the hill I was at before, where I slid backwards.
I didn't have bad tires or anything, it was just absurdly slick. Fuckin hated that whole goddamn night
Antnee83 t1_j43sdun wrote
Yep. Was just on the road and this is exactly the type of conditions people should be slowing the fuck down in.
Antnee83 t1_j40zozh wrote
Reply to comment by DO_initinthewoods in Mardens closes in Rumford by Stonesword75
My wife and I went on our first date by going to see The Hobbit when it first screened, then KFC after to talk about it
A cheap first date is a wonderful filter for shitty people.
Antnee83 t1_j40qlbq wrote
"so next week, mannn, lets do peppermint salmon patties"
Antnee83 t1_j6yrv3v wrote
Reply to comment by mymaineaccount46 in So, naive question but, how do we go about politically motivating housing costs? by [deleted]
Lets walk through this slowly.
Rent is more expensive than a mortgage for a comparable amount of living space. By a lot.
So If I'm renting, I'm wasting a shitload of money, that I'd otherwise be saving if I paid a mortgage instead.
With me?
So if I need to do repairs or maintenance, I have the money because my monthly expenses are lower.
No one is getting a mortgage and getting blasted with having to put a new roof on all of a sudden due to wear and tear. Anything else is covered by your homeowners insurance, which you have to have as long as you're paying the house off.
This really isn't all that hard. Mortgage = cheaper = save money = have money.