Anustart15 t1_iu48ece wrote
Reply to comment by Amy_Ponder in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
But if you do it somewhere touristy like downtown Boston, there will always be a critical mass of people with no clue walking down the bike lane
Anustart15 t1_iu48923 wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
>He told me to “STAY TO THE RIGHT!”…like wtf this is a sidewalk, mate.
Was there room for you to be farther right though? Nothing is more annoying than people that just on the wrong side of the sidewalk for no reason, whether they were on a bike or not, obstructing the wrong side of the sidewalk when there's space to make room for others is just shitty behavior too.
Anustart15 t1_iu47srh wrote
Reply to comment by Macbookaroniandchez in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Half the C suite at my company bike commute from their wealthy suburbs. The bike ride from Arlington/west Cambridge/Belmont/Winchester to Kendall is pretty manageable with the halfway decent infrastructure we have up here.
Anustart15 t1_iu2ozs7 wrote
Reply to comment by SeveralKnapkins in ‘A 24-hour neighborhood’: Wu outlines plans to bring downtown Boston back to life - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
The cafe thing is because the 7:30-3 allows them to have a single set of 8 hour shifts. Hard to find part time work and the staggering shifts thing doesn't work well since the busiest part of the day is right at the beginning of the shift.
Anustart15 t1_isq37zd wrote
Reply to comment by Dukeofdorchester in Water st. Downtown Boston. Were the sidewalks built this sloped intentionally or did they extensively settle? by echocomplex
>Boston is 2/3 landfill, so the freeze/thaw cycle really does a number on sidewalks.
Water St is in one of the non landfill parts of the city though, isn't it?
Anustart15 t1_is8hedj wrote
Reply to comment by applejacklover97 in Cambridge scientists have shown that it may be possible to spot signs of brain impairment in patients as early as nine years before they receive a diagnosis for one of a number of dementia-related diseases. by Wagamaga
As someone that has worked in neurodegeneration research, the ability to set up trials to actually start treating someone very very early into onset, it would be much easier to see efficacy.
Anustart15 t1_is8c9uu wrote
Reply to comment by Freds_Bread in Class background still a marker for ‘success’ in later life, research shows by Additional-Two-7312
>when you die you should be able to pass nothing on to your children.
Even this wouldn't really be enough. A lot of the benefits of having family from the upper class come from the better education, connections, and opportunities, not just the money
Anustart15 t1_irh62yh wrote
Reply to comment by raindropdrop3 in Bikers in Boston Act Like a Carnival Act by raindropdrop3
>Until you bikers get a car and understand then talk all you want lol
I ride a bike, drive a car, run, and walk in the city. Maybe you should try a few modes of transportation too to round out your perspective a little better.
Anustart15 t1_irh30qm wrote
>Pay attention to the road, you're not driving a car.
I like the implication here that if you are driving a car, you don't need to pay attention to the road
Anustart15 t1_iu48rxi wrote
Reply to comment by artificial_osler in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
I feel like I haven't seen anyone get ticketed for anything around here. There's 0 enforcement ever