Anustart15 t1_j1ou81n wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Willingness-5095 in Good Rollerskating Places by Ok-Willingness-5095
In that case, roller kingdom in Hudson is probably your best bet if you can get your hands on a car
Anustart15 t1_j1otjqd wrote
Reply to Good Rollerskating Places by Ok-Willingness-5095
>near Boston
You'll get more useful answers if you are a little more specific. Depending on where "near" is could end up being +/- an hour or two of commute to get to these places
Anustart15 t1_j1ghhe6 wrote
Reply to comment by michael_scarn_21 in Foxborough ≠ Boston by vvsbari
I just picked a random spot right in the middle of London and looked at Publix transport times to Wembley and it was 50 minutes. Rounded it to about an hour. I'd imagine that time can swing a good 15+ minutes in either direction depending on where exactly in the center of town you are, but it doesn't feel too outrageous of a generalization
Anustart15 t1_j1gdjcd wrote
Reply to comment by michael_scarn_21 in Foxborough ≠ Boston by vvsbari
Both are about an hour from downtown by public transit, so it still stands to reason that a lot of Europeans won't be as blown away by the idea as everyone is suggesting.
Anustart15 t1_j1gcyh7 wrote
Reply to comment by michael_scarn_21 in Foxborough ≠ Boston by vvsbari
>not one train route just one individual train
You'd have to be pretty dense to actually think they aren't going to increase service for the world cup
Anustart15 t1_j1e7kaz wrote
Reply to Emperor penguin at risk of extinction, along with two-thirds of native Antarctic species, research shows by dont_tread_on_dc
For the sake of sparking a little bit of discourse, this does seem like one of those classic cases of taking the worst case scenario, making a few favorable assumptions to make it even worse, and then publishing it as truth.
>“Up to 80% of emperor penguin colonies are projected to be quasi-extinct by 2100 [population declines of more than 90%] with business-as-usual increases in greenhouse gas emissions,” it found.
This sounds pretty bad at first glance, but the only sign of a mechanism behind the extinction is this quote:
>“The emperor penguin relies on ice for breeding,” Lee said. “If it loses its suitable breeding habitat … that can lead to [population] collapses over time.”
Without any other information, this just sounds like they are making a bit of a jump from "the ice will melt" straight to "they won't be able to figure out how to breed without the ice and they will all die"
That being said, there are more than enough good reasons to try to limit global warming, but this feels like a publication that was searching for the most extreme result possible.
Anustart15 t1_izggl90 wrote
Reply to Apparently the MBTA is having a tough time filling their IT positions to the point they're resorting to using a particular type of 3rd party recruiters located out-of-state to fill them by goldeneye0
I don't think you understand the difference between a staffing agency and a recruiter. Recruiters just find applicants for jobs. Staffing agencies are the ones you actually work for as an employee of the agency instead of the company you are doing work for.
Anustart15 t1_iya53kg wrote
Reply to comment by swap_catz in PSA: Biden AND Prince William/Kate will be here on Friday. Potential for the city to be a logistical nightmare. Plan accordingly. by ZippityZooZaZingZo
>anything that moves
I'm not sure you fully understand how dead works
Anustart15 t1_iya4i0d wrote
Reply to comment by BigBallerBrad in PSA: Biden AND Prince William/Kate will be here on Friday. Potential for the city to be a logistical nightmare. Plan accordingly. by ZippityZooZaZingZo
>Friday is the actual Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony at the MGM Music Hall.
Anustart15 t1_iya48qn wrote
Reply to comment by sammyo in PSA: Biden AND Prince William/Kate will be here on Friday. Potential for the city to be a logistical nightmare. Plan accordingly. by ZippityZooZaZingZo
Honey, we gotta get bread, milk, and eggs! What if the royals want to stop by for french toast!?!
Anustart15 t1_ixupbhj wrote
Reply to comment by Mynereth in Sumner Tunnel closed into Boston after tractor-trailer gets stuck by Vuish
That's how it's supposed to work. You only need one post per a given story. Down vote the new one so people all comment on the same one
Anustart15 t1_ix3nuxs wrote
Reply to comment by Yossarian465 in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass this winter by madnu
But they are also providing a very crucial service by providing grid access and maintaining the grid. If nobody paid for it's maintenance because everyone had solar, it would fail for everyone
Anustart15 t1_ix2cdxj wrote
Reply to comment by RailRoad_Candy in Eversource seeks 43% rate hike for electric customers in Mass this winter by madnu
>Because you get what amounts to a fine that goes directly to PG&E because youre not using all of their electricity.
Not really. They have to charge you differently because you are paying for the benefit of grid access (which 99% of people absolutely require), but no longer pay for it through electricity use like everyone else on the grid
Anustart15 t1_iwuceoa wrote
I've noticed a few intersections where standing too close to the traffic lights/crossing signals will fuck with my Bluetooth on my headphones, could be something similar
Anustart15 t1_iw74mxy wrote
Reply to comment by Jane-Henry in A modest change in housing temperature alters whole body energy expenditure and adipocyte thermogenic capacity in mice (Nov 2022) by basmwklz
That's what these sort of studies use as the neutral temperature for rodents.
Anustart15 t1_iuja9u3 wrote
Reply to Good Local Coffee Roasters? by Angri_1999
You should be able to buy pretty much anything roasted locally if your frame of reference is trader Joe's coffee. It's not terrible, but most local stuff will be head and shoulders above it
Anustart15 t1_iud6sky wrote
Reply to comment by unluckyhippo in The Harp right now by bm96
Idk, when you are in your early 20s on Halloween, a crowded bar is a lot more fun than an empty one
Anustart15 t1_iu5banu wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Again, literally everyone else walks on the right side of the sidewalk, so don't be surprised when someone gets annoyed that you choose not to
Anustart15 t1_iu54tt6 wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Again, there aren't rules, but literally everyone here walks on the right side for the very obvious reason of making everyone safer and more predictable. I don't blame him at all for yelling at you to go on the side of the sidewalk that literally everyone else goes to
Anustart15 t1_iu4ukjy wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
>But why should I move over
Because it's the normal neighborly thing to do.
>But I didn’t know if he was gonna go left or right
Because you weren't off to one side, so he also didn't know if you were going left or right.
>It’s not like there is a rule on sidewalk that runners have to stay to the right…
But clearly you can see how it would be beneficial to everyone's ability to efficiently share the sidewalk
Anustart15 t1_iu4cira wrote
Reply to comment by Amy_Ponder in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
I'm not saying no bike lanes, I'm saying sidewalk level bike lanes are not the best option for that area
Anustart15 t1_iu4b3ud wrote
Reply to comment by EPICANDY0131 in 75 State Street swapping out their green roof for a Green™️ Roof. I wonder why? I would think that there were real benefits (e.g. insulation) to the green roof. by Btrex
A green roof can actually be beneficial. Doing it with a maintained turf lawn is not.
Anustart15 t1_iu4ap4e wrote
Reply to comment by Amy_Ponder in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Because tourist (and everyone, realistically) are famously good at reading signs and following their instructions.
Anustart15 t1_iu4994r wrote
Reply to comment by Joe-Ch in What the hell is going on across Cambridge/ Somerville? This isn't simply rush hour by THKMass
Yeah. Webster was backed up all the way to Cambridge st when I rode through on my bike last night around 6. The bus was nice enough to park themselves directly across the middle of the intersection with Cambridge st to block traffic in every direction
Anustart15 t1_j3440x6 wrote
Reply to comment by unresolved_m in Seeing these all over the place. by Harmony_w
>So cops should punish more people.
For traffic violations? Absolutely. There is 0 enforcement and people just do whatever the fuck they want driving (and cycling) around here and it's dangerous