Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iud5tb1 wrote
They are on a smoke break
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iu9znq0 wrote
Reply to Family pic of my mom, her 5 brothers, and their kids. Uncle Steve chose to wear only short shorts that day. by burntgreens
Where’s the 5th brother?
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iu623dr wrote
Reply to comment by confuzedmesnewname in Concord Parking Nazis by confuzedmesnewname
Yeah I’d fight it for sure
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iu5uyvl wrote
Reply to Concord Parking Nazis by confuzedmesnewname
What part of concord was this? Any area with painted parking spots usually they want money for, no?
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iu4ov3b wrote
Reply to comment by ForklkftJones in What is the best and worst thing about your town? by rabblebowser
My guess is northwood
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iu4ohnm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What is the best and worst thing about your town? by rabblebowser
I feel like there’s more of a story to this one..
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_itu5hkr wrote
Reply to driving tests by isachalsen-
When you back up, turn your head and look behind you. Don’t rely on your mirrors only. Also before you leave, make a show of adjusting your mirrors and seatbelt and stuff like that. Use your blinkers, obviously this is a given. If you’re nervous about parallel parking, practice at home first if you can. Use cones or markers in your driveway if you are able. Not everyone’s test is the same, you might not even do parking. As far as the knowledge test, if you don’t know/remember the answer, pick the one that makes the most sense. They’re all multiple choice
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_itrhwfu wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Local meet up places for Chinese adults? by HenyaHu
He’s not wrong though sadly
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_itqpwrm wrote
Reply to Passing this along by Wildjosh
So basically an employee is doing this? Cause how else would someone go unnoticed opening and taking pictures of all these cards?
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_itqpghj wrote
Reply to comment by PracticalSouls5046 in Alcohol at Aldi Stores by iloveboston
Hard alcohol you mean? Grocery stores can sell beer and wine
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_itme7h6 wrote
Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iuj62c3 wrote
Reply to scary eyes or angry boobs? by BrassBallsComedy
Lactating boobs