AnyRound5042 t1_j5rtiqb wrote
Was the person taking up multiple seats the slasher or the slashee. Whoever wrote this article should be fired what an absolutely pathetic lapse in judgement. Also you should be banned for posting this dog shit. Literally the only important part of the story.
AnyRound5042 t1_j5rbvcm wrote
Reply to Scam? by jcceballost
Don't open the door for anybody without a warrant
AnyRound5042 t1_j5mtrzz wrote
Reply to Beaches with night access? by romcomaspirations
FWIW I've been on lots of the beaches and never been arrested or anything so go for it anyways
AnyRound5042 t1_j5cos37 wrote
They let a new Yorker be a mod?
AnyRound5042 t1_j5asiz9 wrote
Reply to comment by THevil30 in Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
AnyRound5042 t1_j5ajhra wrote
Reply to comment by THevil30 in Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
This was not a vote this was a legal thing. If this had gone on the ballot we would have had both but they knew $15 was inevitable so they took what they could from us on the way there
AnyRound5042 t1_j58ig59 wrote
Reply to How far outside of the city do you have to be for rental broker fees become less prevalent? by typicalfanofsports
Four apartments in Brighton, one in Allston, and two in Cambridge and I never paid a brokers fee. It takes extra work hunting but it's not like they're required. The landlord is supposed to pay it but they try to pass it off on you and you can say no. The landlord can then say no to you but they don't always. My general rule is too try to get at least one viewing a day (average, I'll do like four in one day and then none for a few days) knowing some of those will fall through and start four months before my intended move in date. I'll usually start looking before that but much more relaxed about it. If I get to crunch time (the month before the month of my intended move in date) without signing anything I start looking for three or four hours a day. Sometimes I'll be in the process to sign four or five apartments (I'm obviously not going to follow through on that many) and still be looking. If you're gonna be broke you gotta put in the work. Being lazy is for rich folk.
AnyRound5042 t1_j58ado7 wrote
Reply to comment by potus1001 in Got jumped by a driver trying to run a red by hoorayquestionmark
Report them to 311
AnyRound5042 t1_j51kkyc wrote
Reply to comment by random_vermonter in What's the deal w/ so many cars in front of houses on NY 22A having VT plates? by twowheels
Nah, you don't understand the staggering number of mopeds and such that get plates this way. I'm sure it brings in okay money to the state
AnyRound5042 t1_j41zhcy wrote
Do they not have Google maps in new Jersey?
AnyRound5042 t1_j41f4u0 wrote
Reply to comment by batdesk in Giant Puddle between North Station and Subway passage. by ZainebBenoit
You should. Like Casey Neistats bike lane video. I generally feel like attacking the mbta rn is kicking a dog while it's down. Not all the problems are solely due to poor management and the mbta is working hard to fix a lot of things but it seems like an endless battle. Hopefully some kind of exposé could help put pressure on the right people to take this a little more seriously. People are getting hurt and enough is enough
AnyRound5042 t1_j3yn9j5 wrote
Reply to comment by Jerry_Williams69 in Why doesn’t Vermont bury its power lines? by tcchen
"where do they bury power lines"
"we bury power lines in the midwest because its flat"
"no shit you can bury power lines in the midwest because its flat"
what the fuck is that guy mad about lol
AnyRound5042 t1_j5ushhe wrote
Reply to comment by unevendistriubtionaf in Boston police account for $31 million of city legal payouts since 2020, including $16 million for wrongfully convicted man - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
I'm saying when the police lose these suits it should come out of the pension fund. See how fast they clean up their act.