
AnyRound5042 t1_j8k7nat wrote

the boomers thought the good times would never end. signed: a kid whos family owned dozens of acres of land on cape cod that was sold and mostly spent before i was even born. what little is left is going on to subsidize the postwar consumerist lifestyle of the postwar consumerist generation that are all retired now.


AnyRound5042 t1_j7h6jey wrote

From what I've heard this was a mental health crisis and the police were called for a wellness check, but what showed up was an execution squad. When will the state learn that these thugs are not capable of dealing with any situation requiring a little bit of tact or nuance. This was not suicide by cop. This was a state sanctioned murder by cop


AnyRound5042 t1_j7566ce wrote

I don't live in Vermont but have family and visit frequently, have been up to Burlington but mostly in southern Vermont and never had any issues. Explored some of the trails by camel's hump and had signal the whole time.