
Applecar101 t1_izoab56 wrote

“What is subjective is that there is no evidence” is what you said in order to prove that suspicion was not warranted. Then edited and said there is evidence for both sides. So all in all, the original comment of something suspicious happening is correct so that changed from your original stance. Its great. We can all learn together one step at a time.


Applecar101 t1_izo5uzq wrote

No, that original comment doesn’t assume foul play. He literally just said it was suspicious, which means there is doubt. If you’re suspicious of something you are not saying its true without a doubt. Thats where we have different interpretations of what that means. But hey, you say I need to work on my comprehension lol way to be open to having a different viewpoint/interpretation of something. what a great guy you must be to talk to in person.
