Arcangelathanos t1_j2e1vzf wrote
Reply to Not a wine expert, but I’m certain that NYE Champagne pairs well with Lee’s Famous Fried Chicken. by combinera
I wonder if there's a town somewhere that thinks Bojangles is a local restaurant.
Is this the byproduct of the fact that we did have a fried chicken franchise out of RVA? (RIP Church's.) Just wondering outloud.
Edit: how terrible. I got the name of the RVA franchise wrong. Golden Skillet is from RVA, not Church's.
Arcangelathanos t1_j2dvcl5 wrote
Reply to Super Early New Years Eve Daily. by popeboyQ
While I was overseas, my cousin and I had someone show us how to make a specific type of flat bread. She's supposed to come over today to pickup some of her stuff that was in my luggage and, in theory, have a refresh our memory flat bread making session. I told my husband that he's not allowed to watch us make it bc he would be horrified at the amount of oil that is needed.
Nothing else planned though. He's on call and I'm indifferent toward this holiday.
Arcangelathanos t1_j264u7p wrote
Reply to Looking for my chin wax person. by Affectionate-Bit3878
Sarah at Snatchbox. She does her own booking, but works out of Divine Spa and Body out in the West End. I've only seen her twice and she's so lovely. She does sugaring too, if you're interested.
Arcangelathanos t1_j20nvg7 wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Invite_5528 in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
Oh, you don't like someone telling you what to do? Imagine that.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1zm8vh wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Invite_5528 in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
No, I do not agree. You need to stop being so judgmental when people talk about where they are getting their pets.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1z33y0 wrote
Reply to Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
Yes, Coco + Hazel was a huge disappointment to me too. Blue Cow isn't too far away and I thought it was tasty. No amazing presentation, but I rather have good food.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1z2qdu wrote
Reply to comment by The_UnknownTA in Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
Arcangelathanos t1_j1xs3yj wrote
Reply to Best cocktails? by Swrdmn
Granted, their offerings are focused on their own stuff, but I've liked all the cocktails that I've tried at Virago.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1ukg3b wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Invite_5528 in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
You literally have no idea of my circumstances or my history with animals and adopting. I also did not ask for anyone's opinion. Stay in your own lane.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1ugvar wrote
Reply to comment by megachickabutt in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
I agree, but I don't want to have to drive 9 hours by myself. :-p
Arcangelathanos t1_j1ucno4 wrote
Reply to comment by megachickabutt in Early Morning Tues-daily by [deleted]
I got a toaster oven/air fryer with a ferment and dehydration mode!
I'm also trying to get a puppy, but it's harder than it appears to coordinate travel to Nashville for puppy pickup. I don't know what poison I want, driving or flying.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1q7a8i wrote
Reply to comment by njbrews in Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
Arcangelathanos t1_j1q3cdc wrote
Reply to comment by Garbage1010 in Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
Thanks! I'll tell the husband that we have one more option.
Arcangelathanos t1_j1q151j wrote
Reply to Boxing Day Mondaily! by xTiredSoulx
We have a friend stopping by for a few hours on his way back home. He wants to stop at some breweries, but it looks like the places he really wants to try are closed. Sadness.
Arcangelathanos t1_j0ypsib wrote
Reply to District 04 Voting Tuesdaily by TheCheeseDevil
I'm finally coming home. However, I thought y'all would like to know that my mom went to the doctor in this overseas country, and the doctor had received his MD from MCV.
Arcangelathanos t1_iycr5ad wrote
Reply to Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
Hit up Tyson's Corner and IKEA yesterday and now I'm tired, which is a shame bc I have a lot to do today and tomorrow. Friday too, but I'm being realistic about what I can accomplish then. Tyson's was empty. We were able to get in and out in record time and make it down to IKEA before the traffic creeped from 95 to 495.
Arcangelathanos t1_iybdyhj wrote
There's Country style donuts. It's open 24 hours T - Sat, I think. I rarely see folks sitting there whenever I go so I can't imagine they would be that upset if you bought a coffee and donut and sat and worked.
Arcangelathanos t1_iy6h518 wrote
Reply to comment by coffeedoodle in best chinese buffett? by fractalflatulence
The food is waaay better than Teppanyaki.
Arcangelathanos t1_iy63hdk wrote
Reply to best chinese buffett? by fractalflatulence
Hibachi buffet at Broad & Parham. Teppanyaki makes me sad.
Arcangelathanos t1_iy3wpfe wrote
Reply to comment by khuldrim in Onto Christmas Mondaily by The_UnknownTA
We've made the transit to Dulles so many times that Nova traffic doesn't faze us. I think the longest we've ever been delayed was an hour.
Arcangelathanos t1_iy3f8no wrote
Reply to comment by BobbyFuckingB in Onto Christmas Mondaily by The_UnknownTA
My mom wants to leave at 12:30PM for an 8PM flight out of Dulles. She's not driving so no, we're not. We're leaving at 3PM.
Arcangelathanos t1_iy39fn6 wrote
Reply to Onto Christmas Mondaily by The_UnknownTA
Silly OP. Putting up decor is allowed on Black Friday so of course the Christmasification of the house has begun.
Arcangelathanos t1_ixx974x wrote
Cameo Cakery
Arcangelathanos t1_ixsw5hl wrote
Reply to comment by ElleWade in Black Frinightly by BurkeyTurger
Yup, or a 20% return.
Arcangelathanos t1_j2f5od2 wrote
Reply to comment by needsexyboots in Not a wine expert, but I’m certain that NYE Champagne pairs well with Lee’s Famous Fried Chicken. by combinera
Omg, you're right. I totally saw the sign in my head and it had the wrong words on it. Golden Skillet is from RVA.