
ArchMob t1_jdhvp7v wrote

I would recommend something I found even better: use Google reminders and the Google calendar widget on your home screen. The undone past reminders will stay on top in and below are future calendar events. The reminder will disappear only after you manually mark it as done. If I don't do the reminder at the actual time I had it in the calendar, it will still stay and visible until marked done


ArchMob t1_jasr1v7 wrote

The immune response to an infection can cause inflammation in the brain, which can affect the functioning of the hippocampus, a brain region involved in memory formation. In addition, certain types of infections can directly affect the brain and cause cognitive impairment.

Research has shown that acute illness, such as a viral infection, can lead to temporary memory impairment. For example, one study found that people with a cold or flu had poorer cognitive performance than healthy individuals, including poorer working memory and processing speed