Arcologycrab t1_j7347rv wrote
Reply to Would you live in a "Floating City"? by jfd0037
I’d live in a Seastead but only one that was supposed to be like, a floating airport or something so that my roommate isn’t something like cryptoboss57 who says Elon Musk is the lord of all intellectuals and is sad that cryptoland failed
Arcologycrab t1_j30htw1 wrote
Kidney pipe that isn’t literally a spaghetti strand, seriously, TF is up with kidney stones
Oh and make baby heads smaller and have them grow when they reach the five year milestone, so we don’t have all those deaths in childbirth
Arcologycrab t1_j734idx wrote
Reply to comment by TraceSpazer in Would you live in a "Floating City"? by jfd0037
I mean a bunch of sailors who got trapped in the Suez Canal linked their cargo ships together to make what is essentially a floating apartment