AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je7hen6 wrote
Reply to comment by Penguin_Doctor in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
Research has always been my life. Though, hearing others, especially reddit, has always been a big contribution to the knowledge I might've skipped.
I did some subtracting on my debt. Where I'm at now. When I drop $2000. I'll be $300 away from 30%. Next Friday will put me in the safe zone.
I'm glad you're doing better off! Keep it up on your end. We both got this. Believe it or not. I used to be 750+ score. That was years ago.
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je7dz1f wrote
Reply to comment by Penguin_Doctor in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
Gotcha, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for your help! Im use everything I learned here and work on that credit with focusing on the car later. Have a good one.
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je7czlb wrote
Reply to comment by Penguin_Doctor in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
That's what I've been doing. The minimum is $130. I either do $200-400 biweekly. I've only previously done minimum for most of my life, falling in a loop. I picked up books, reading online to make changes to my day to day life to make these improvements. Depression also kept me from caring. Battled that for decades and won on my own last year in Oct 2022. Feb of 2023, I found myself no longer depressed. I see that's very interesting. Once I get there on lower credit limit. I will keep it low if I go over, I will pay it quickly.
Actually, I have a question for you once more. Since my limit is $5000. The car I'm getting is 6k. I have 3.5-4k saved up. Use some of my credit or get a loan? I'm not going this route unless it could be beneficial to my credit report with quick hefty payments.
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je73vor wrote
Reply to comment by Penguin_Doctor in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
That sounds like a solid plan. I'm taking 10% of the amount I'm put down for car savings. I'll still have money in my checking, but it's for living situations. It really is absurd. After paying 80% of my balance, should I ask for a lower apr with creditor? I'm hoping as well, I did a calculator within my credit company to get an estimate when it was going up. It was close with estimation but higher than the estimate. I'll do another and see what outcomes I get from paying that much. Thanks for your help!
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je71oub wrote
Reply to comment by Penguin_Doctor in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
APR is 20% on a credit card. I have $3868 owed. At the beginning of the year, I had $5500. I was at 410 CS after my fallout, now at 520. The cars I looked at were around 5-7k in price. The rate range was 10-15%. Perhaps waiting for 600+ cs would be more beneficial for me? Soon, my CS will go up again significantly since consecutive payments and knockout of a collection.
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je6z4xx wrote
Reply to comment by Legitimate_Arm_8554 in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
That's amazing to hear, I'll look into more on that soon. Thanks for the help, I greatly appreciate it!
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je6x893 wrote
Reply to comment by Legitimate_Arm_8554 in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
That's also a good idea. Do you have an estimate on when the prices will fall? So I could save up for when it'll happen. I'll also do research on my end.
Submitted by AreYouEvenWhite t3_1260nm6 in personalfinance
AreYouEvenWhite OP t1_je7whu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Aveah in 2k down on a cheap car or put it towards cc debt? by AreYouEvenWhite
This was beautiful. Thanks for that. Worded to perfection. That is all very true too, however maintenance and repairs can be done by me. I picked up a 1k car and repaired it, but it needed an engine swap at the end. I've only put 1.5k to learn the majority. I know how to full-on rebuild minus engine swap. That was going to be expensive for a rebuilt title, so I didn't do it.
However, this is something very true. Insurance and gas will be eating at me, plus the sneak up registration. With the current debt I'll have. Tackling it all will put a heavy load on me mentally and physically since I'd probably pick up additional work.
I'll focus on the debt, not worrying too much about a car other than putting money away for it. When I can pay it off, my debt is only when I will focus on a car situation.
Thanks for this post. Have a lovely day!