
Arisdoodlesaurus t1_j2ej9o7 wrote

These arguments are so disingenuous. Its akin to saying if Hitler never moved against the Soviet Union, he would have won World War Two because he had more men. The truth is, Austri Hungary never had the capacity to win any long term war against the entante because they lacked resources and capable commanders. Their empire was at the breaking point and all of Germany’s economic gains since the Prussian unification in 1871 had been totally lost by 1916. Another front just hastened an inevitable defeat


Arisdoodlesaurus t1_j270fym wrote

I don’t think it would have been hard at all to argue for neutrality. Italy joining the entente did little to change the outcome of the war and, unlike Dutch neutrality in the second war, no power had the capacity let alone initiative to invade a country the size and strength of Italy merely to open up a southern front against France.


Arisdoodlesaurus t1_j0txm82 wrote

Similar mining towns were established in apartheid South Africa and along the Boer regions as well. A fundamental and racist distinction can be noted in how different ‘white mining towns” were treated when compared to black mining towns. This continues today with a lack of investment in black neighbourhoods across several majorly interracial states
