Asterion7 t1_j022kmb wrote
Reply to comment by Danger-Moose in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
All the furniture better be made out of Legos or you should ask for a refund.
Asterion7 t1_j020xgn wrote
Reply to comment by RVAWTFBBQ in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
I know people who have done that and really enjoyed it.
Asterion7 t1_j020u7c wrote
Reply to comment by Danger-Moose in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Are you staying on grounds at Lego land?
Asterion7 t1_j020izu wrote
Reply to comment by needsexyboots in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Sorry to hear that. That's rough.
Asterion7 t1_j020fej wrote
Reply to comment by Jon_hamm_wallet in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Outpost carries several different local roasters.
Asterion7 t1_ize6gef wrote
Reply to Thursdaily by TheCheeseDevil
Had to do school drop off twice as my youngest left his backpack at home.
I think I am gonna try and go for a bike ride since the sun is actually out.
Asterion7 t1_ize6cn2 wrote
Reply to comment by VCUBNFO in Thursdaily by TheCheeseDevil
Oh Shit. That is terrifying. Glad they are sage though.
Asterion7 t1_izb970r wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Do your own research. All the studies were linked here the first time around. Casinos and sports stadiums are almost always long term net negatives for municipalities. I don't think it's changed in the last two years.
As for "political boundaries" last time I checked Petersburg was a decent drive down an interstate. I think we will be mostly insulated. Again I don't think Petersburg should go for it either. But I don't live there or vote there.
Asterion7 t1_izb442l wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Lol. How is it an argument that it will be bad in Petersburg so it might as well be bad here and opinion?
Asterion7 t1_izb0cov wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
I don't think we need casinos in Virginia period. But I certainly don't want it in Richmond. Let the people in Petersburg decide what they want.
Asterion7 t1_izah3im wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Let Petersburg have it. Casinos are long term losers everywhere they go.
Asterion7 t1_iz9vp8x wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChildNextDoor in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Elections have can't just keep calling a vote until you get the results you want. Give it 5-10 years at least.
Asterion7 t1_iz9sio3 wrote
Reply to comment by CrassostreaVirginica in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Jesus Christ why can the casino project not die already. How deep are these lobbyists pockets? The fact that they are ignoring the vote they already had makes me double down on opposing it.
Asterion7 t1_iymf1y7 wrote
Reply to comment by lunar_unit in Local food banks that aren’t churches seem hard to find by Boopadoopeedo
That is it. thanks Lunar.
Asterion7 t1_iymdivu wrote
Feedmore? Fonticello food forest? All the fridges set up around town. Can't remember the group that runs that.
Asterion7 t1_iyf6575 wrote
Daily planet? Patient first would do it. But I don't think that would be super cheap. But probably cheaper then a pcp.
Asterion7 t1_iyebzhp wrote
Reply to comment by Nothing2SeeHere4U in 2 men flee accident on foot from I-95, then assault and carjack VCU Health employee in employee parking garage downtown by 10000Didgeridoos
That's a pretty typical crime tactic.
Asterion7 t1_iydae3o wrote
Reply to Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
Jesus traffic sucked today. Hull street was bad even for hull street.
Asterion7 t1_iyda8gk wrote
Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
It is an amazing book. And the first one Hitler banned when he came to power.
Asterion7 t1_iyda69a wrote
Reply to comment by GrayRVA in Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
Not much has changed. Ukraine is turning into the same trench warfare today.
Asterion7 t1_iyd9tfq wrote
Reply to Rainy River City Daily by Quardener
It's hard to hold a candle.
Asterion7 t1_iy8pl0u wrote
Reply to Forest Hill Sheetz by ThrowYaBoatt
People prefer 7/11
Asterion7 t1_iy8fwic wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Congressman Donald McEachin Dies by Soloemilia
Charles in Richmond for mayor.
Asterion7 t1_iy8c34r wrote
I always pull for whoever the smallest country left is once the US is eliminated.
Follow up come the UK plays as multiple countries? If that is the case why couldn't we send a team from California and Texas etc...
Would England perform better in the world cup if they didn't dilute their strength like this?
Asterion7 t1_j0bf8ni wrote
Reply to comment by eziam in Rainy Thursdaily by shhimhuntingrabbits
That's for No Rain.