
Asterion7 t1_j1fy1uq wrote

It's crazy the city hasn't really done anything about this. Although as I have argued with you before I don't think taxpayer dollars should go to care of a cemetery when we have so many issues for living citizens in the city. I don't understand people's obsession with cemeteries. Dead people don't need anything. And I include Hollywood cemetery in that as well. Cemeteries are a complete waste of space and resources.


Asterion7 OP t1_j1fwsm6 wrote

Had a couple of cocktails with a fancy dinner and espresso afterwards. Feeling very indulgent and satisfied. Happy holidays all!!


Asterion7 t1_j0h8bbu wrote

Reply to RIP FOO DOG by lalasmores

Man, when will Richmond get a ramen restaurant?

Edit. If you downvoted this you know not what ramen can be.