Asterion7 t1_j694p11 wrote
For sale.
20" Haro BMX bike. Good shape not too many miles on this one. Perfect for a kid ready to make the jump to 20" wheels. Hand and foot brake. $225
26" wheel "On One inbred" mtb. Set up single speed. Fyi brakes on this one need fluid and currently do not work.. Bottom bracket and chain replaced not too long ago. $300
Asterion7 t1_j68e366 wrote
Reply to comment by LouieKablooie in Former Live Well CEO Michael Hild sentenced to 44 months in prison by lunar_unit
He would have gotten more time stealing a television from Walmart.
Asterion7 OP t1_j66o7ba wrote
Reply to comment by hikinganew in The Night Thread by Asterion7
Asterion7 t1_j602rql wrote
Reply to [Andrew Freiden on Twitter]: “It's too early for any real excitement but there are signs of a batch of cold air arriving at the end of next week. We've bumped up our "Snow Tracker" to a 2 out of 10.” by theboyfromphl
We are way under average..gonna take a real storm at this point.
Asterion7 t1_j5ypbcg wrote
Reply to comment by Gamegis in Richmond saw notable drop in murders last year, but thefts from vehicles caused property crimes to soar by ThatChildNextDoor
Also they face almost no consequences when their guns are used in a crime later on.
Asterion7 t1_j5ylexf wrote
Reply to comment by rdt69420 in Richmond’s most dangerous intersections. Source: Axios by Own_Potential8144
They should make right turn on reds illegal in the city. They will never do that. And even if they did they wouldn't enforce it. Drivers turning right never look for pedestrians, they usually look the other way to make sure a car isn't coming and don't look at the crosswalk at all.
Asterion7 t1_j5yl8uy wrote
Reply to comment by Maximum_Landscape387 in Richmond’s most dangerous intersections. Source: Axios by Own_Potential8144
Roanoake and forest hill is bad also.
Asterion7 t1_j5yl6t1 wrote
Reply to comment by noodleypotato in Richmond’s most dangerous intersections. Source: Axios by Own_Potential8144
As usual they forgot about southside.
Asterion7 t1_j5ykjzb wrote
Reply to Wait…. I’m posting the Thursdaily? by wagonboss
VMFA or go see a movie at bowtie.
Asterion7 t1_j5q0y3u wrote
Reply to comment by lunar_unit in Update: Henrico boy, 16, pleads guilty to fatally shooting Lucia Bremer, 13, in inexplicable killing by Charlesinrichmond
What a fucking joke.
Asterion7 t1_j5oig0k wrote
Reply to Happy Tuesdaily from the platform of Main Street Station. What’s the best spot to see the sunrise? by funkipus
T-pot bridge enroute to an early morning cap trail bike ride.
Asterion7 t1_j5gqckn wrote
Reply to comment by Bumbalatti in Forest Hill / Woodland Heights by Bumbalatti
Generally just crimes of opportunity. Sheds and alleys and unlocked cars.
Asterion7 t1_j58ayke wrote
Reply to comment by Horror-Fisherman-575 in Fri-Nightly by BureauOfBureaucrats
They had it in the Jetsons.
Asterion7 t1_j56irxv wrote
Reply to comment by fluufhead in Lesser Known Walking Trails? by SWied
Trail out past the slave walk on the land in between the river and the water treatment plant. Hence the name. It's basically across the river from rocketts landing. A pretty fun trail to bike or run.
Asterion7 t1_j55b7pj wrote
Reply to comment by bruxalle in Lesser Known Walking Trails? by SWied
I don't think they were talking about hiking day in particular.
Asterion7 t1_j557kvs wrote
Reply to Lesser Known Walking Trails? by SWied
Have you done the poop loop? Also second Poor Farm. A bit of a drive but the trails are usually empty compared to downtown.
Asterion7 t1_j54u30u wrote
Reply to Flemish Fri-Daily by nilsrva
Frites and mussels sounds wonderful. Happy birthday to the Lady.
Asterion7 t1_j4wr67s wrote
Reply to comment by szeis4cookie in Living in the City of Richmond by CrossFitPotter
Damn ten years ago that 24st house would have been hard pressed to get 200k..
Asterion7 t1_j4pz5ms wrote
Reply to Home improvement learning by ptt2020kpl
Like others have said. Dive into the small jobs first. YouTube is your friend. Start with low stakes jobs like painting, hanging a shelf, etc. Stay away from electrical and plumbing until you get more confidence. Anything with gas call a pro.
Also make friends with your neighbors to share tools and skills. It's incredibly valuable and makes for good neighbors.
Asterion7 OP t1_j46dspo wrote
Asterion7 OP t1_j46b2bi wrote
Reply to comment by graphic-design-her in Elliot in the morning picked up the Bleach lady story. by Asterion7
Apparently they scroll rva for content.
Asterion7 t1_j69dq7x wrote
Reply to comment by fusion260 in Should Virginia help pay to rebuild Fox Elementary? What happens if lawmakers say 'no'? by CrassostreaVirginica
It's honestly impressive.