AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_je31nb9 wrote
Reply to comment by SovietMacguyver in New Zealand may join Aukus pact’s non-nuclear component by Johannes_P
We don't need nuclear energy to get to 100% renewable. Geothermal investment in the TVZ would eliminate our need to fossil power
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jduq70l wrote
Reply to comment by Beyond_Reason09 in Do you ever feel like there's a wealth of knowledge available to us in this day and age? by Delicious_Maize9656
This is such a bizzarre post. Like no fucking shit we have access to more info than ever, we all know what the internet is.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jdm0za1 wrote
I wouldn't say so. Just seems like the authors are racist
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jdlo79g wrote
Reply to comment by ClumsyGnatcatcher in ELI5: How do thieves justify damaging things in stealing. by ClumsyGnatcatcher
Generally a lack of support and opportunites coupled with a traumatic upbringing. Places with healthier communites and more support have less crime and violence
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jdlfbxd wrote
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jd0w9gp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pet owner uses Grindr to try and find missing cat in Brighton by xanh86
It's a good argument for why you should stay off grindr
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jcsjlas wrote
Reply to comment by AlexOfSpades in [OC] Don’t let it taste human flesh. by Molech999
*She. That's Akaname
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jcizk05 wrote
Reply to comment by VividBed414 in "You don’t like it because you don’t get it, you don’t get it because you’re not ___________" by JohnTaylorson
If someone told me 'only men can understand BNW' I would just assume they are a misogynist
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbqtg40 wrote
Love that photo
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbn9svx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A Connecticut school lunch lady is charged with giving students obscene films and nude images. by Mccar23
'Damn that pedophile is hot' - half the comments ITT
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbn938y wrote
Reply to comment by Core1989 in Goose Creek CISD assistant principal accused of bringing cocaine to her school arrested by jdward01
Maybe a little bump for the unmedicated adhd kids. Or as a going home reward for good behaviour.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbgtr27 wrote
Reply to comment by redheadedwoodpecker in Chinese embassy denies racism in blackface skit by VampireLesbiann
The line is tibetans and uighurs, fg facing legal sanctions is a good thing.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbgq5d8 wrote
Reply to comment by redheadedwoodpecker in Chinese embassy denies racism in blackface skit by VampireLesbiann
They face some government persecution but the claims of mass murders and organ harvesting going back 30 years are largely lies.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbgd08r wrote
Reply to comment by redheadedwoodpecker in Chinese embassy denies racism in blackface skit by VampireLesbiann
Only if you believe a cult at face value
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbddukk wrote
Reply to comment by redheadedwoodpecker in Chinese embassy denies racism in blackface skit by VampireLesbiann
One is an ethnic group and the other is a cult that does shitty cult stuff.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jbcs9k5 wrote
Reply to comment by redheadedwoodpecker in Chinese embassy denies racism in blackface skit by VampireLesbiann
Please don't put FG and Uighurs in the same group
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jau2cyd wrote
Reply to comment by spotted-cat in Banning Words Won’t Make the World More Just - The Atlantic by vaikrunta
I think you're giving MRAs too much credit. When I see them talking about TF they normally mean 'making fun of men' or 'getting all my stuff in the divorce'
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jatmevx wrote
Reply to comment by HighFromOly in Premier 'astonished' at B.C. firm's claim it got Health Canada approval to make and sell cocaine by IHOP_007
I would absolutely do pharmaceutical cocaine to get high
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jatm966 wrote
Reply to comment by criticalpwnage in Premier 'astonished' at B.C. firm's claim it got Health Canada approval to make and sell cocaine by IHOP_007
Read an old thread about people saying they were given cocaine for broken noses. Best numbing agent for resetting apparently.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jatkzra wrote
Reply to comment by GaimanitePkat in Banning Words Won’t Make the World More Just - The Atlantic by vaikrunta
Maybe go to a doctor if words cause physical distress. Also do you know why that language evolved on tiktok?
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jatktdd wrote
Reply to comment by broadenandbuild in Banning Words Won’t Make the World More Just - The Atlantic by vaikrunta
You wanna define that phrase?
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jakdfvy wrote
Reply to comment by CascadianExpat in Greta Thunberg has joined a protest against wind farms. Here’s why. by SelectiveSanity
It called taking a holistic approach. There are downsides to every action. We don't need to cover the entire world with turbines.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jajtfvx wrote
Reply to comment by CatchingRays in Evers wants extended bar hours for Republican convention by imll99
Just hanging out with the boys and taking caliper measurements
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jajtctq wrote
Reply to comment by CatchingRays in Evers wants extended bar hours for Republican convention by imll99
Good idea, maybe if we travel back in time and get Hitler hooked on meth he won't do anything bad
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jee15k1 wrote
Reply to comment by cognitivetriad in Angry residents of ‘Protestant village’ replace Irish language sign with Union flags by Vostok-aregreat-710
Theres a pretty insane twitter thread of Orangemens Day bonfires. Every year the NI gather around to burn thousands of pallets adorned with Irish flags and politicians.