AtTheFirePit t1_j1hxj2y wrote
Reply to comment by AuthorSnow in Just a friendly reminder by b3_yourself
reddit doesn't charge for each word you read. why are you so hot about this? if it doesn't apply to you, move on. be proud of yourself; you already knew something others did not. you remembered more from driver's ed than others. go you.
AtTheFirePit t1_j1ejqa8 wrote
most MA rest areas allow overnight parking, if they don't they'll post signs.
Most metered parking in and around Boston is free overnight.
Check individual Commuter rail lots, some don't charge overnight.
AtTheFirePit t1_j08gpfo wrote
Reply to comment by Wareve in Recreational cannabis prices in Mass. plummet as dispensary owners weigh future by bostondotcom
Northampton had a dozen, now down to eleven. Five colleges, sure but there are dispensaries in other towns in the area, too.
AtTheFirePit t1_ixwm3yg wrote
Reply to comment by PussyNuke in Model quality females in Boston? by [deleted]
They congregate and work in areas you don't. You're just not in the club.
AtTheFirePit t1_ixckneb wrote
Reply to AskScience AMA Series: We're Competing to Make the Mars Habitat Food Production System! AUA! by AskScienceModerator
I read a while ago that one of the biggest obstacles of colonizing Mars is the dust storms and the static electricity they create. It was said that the dust would stick to and get into everything, reducing vision and mobility for anyone outside and damage equipment.
Is that actually a concern and if so, what's the plan to mitigate it?
AtTheFirePit t1_ixbafvh wrote
Reply to comment by AngelaLambert in Maine has the highest rate of child abuse cases in the United States (1,904.4 per 100,000 people under 18). The data comes from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. by AngelaLambert
Child abuse happens at every socioeconomic level but all kinds of abuse are exasperated by; isolation, lack of social supports, lack of social safety nets, lack of/substandard education, lack of jobs that provide advancement, and poverty.
If I wasn't so tired I'd look to see how Maine ranks on all those other things, too.
AtTheFirePit t1_iwlcrfc wrote
Reply to comment by akmjolnir in Pinnacle of human intelligence by akmjolnir
It's a fair point, so is the fact you're tailgating in rainy/icy conditions behind someone who obviously doesn't know how to drive/live, in snow.
AtTheFirePit t1_itl33o0 wrote
how is this uplifting
AtTheFirePit t1_it8ytb7 wrote
Reply to comment by NoMoLerking in If there’s a worse town motto than Fall River’s, I’d like to hear it by orleansville
Ware MA is "the town that can't be licked!"
"The Great Depression era nearly signaled the demise of the mills. But, the citizens of Ware banded together to buy shares in the struggling companies. The purchase was the first employee buy-out of a major manufacturer in America. Ware Industries was born, preserving the livelihood for hundreds of families. Ware's then-Chief of Police Bartholomew Buckley coined a new phrase for Ware, calling it “The Town that can’t be licked!” Life Magazine heralded the event in their May 23, 1938 issue with an article entitled Life Goes to a Party: Ware, Mass. Celebrates Comeback."
needless to say, things have... changed
AtTheFirePit t1_irxzr4n wrote
Reply to comment by Open-Satisfaction-36 in UK woman travels 7,000 miles to Hawaii to scatter hamster's ashes by Open-Satisfaction-36
AtTheFirePit t1_irxyeps wrote
Native Hawaiians are begging people to stop visiting/vacationing there. This is not uplifting. Huge waste of money and resources not to mention indicative of her needing therapy.
AtTheFirePit t1_irh69fj wrote
Reply to Hitchhiking in New Hampshire by onesole
So you get the mask and go out there as a joke, and someone pulls over; would you get in?
AtTheFirePit t1_jaci8kj wrote
Reply to I have no offramp, and I must scream by Cabadrin
I remember stories from when they made it go around Boston. Everybody angry-laughed at the waste of money; "such a waste! it'll never be used! who's going to want to drive around the city??"