
t1_j1p53wm wrote

Sure, I’ll do it. Dude fucked up on an astronomical level but it was obviously a mistake done through a complete lack of self control, and consideration rather than an act of malice or a desire to manipulate/take advantage of someone. I hope the girl harmed through his actions will find healing and that OP will learn from his mistake, grow as a person, and stay the fuck away from alcohol for a while. Context is important and this kind of violent reaction is never the right response, hate only creates hate.


t1_iyb1e8q wrote

Telling a trusted adult may be difficult and might bring some discomfort but you are putting yourself in great danger by not doing so. Please get help this dude is fucked in the head.


t1_ixt1sgt wrote

Hello! Practicing Christian here! Those people were idiots and you shouldn’t feel bad at all. A lot of the early stuff in the bible is more of a lesson than historical fact (especially genesis) and you didn’t even go there, just pointed out an interesting fact about historical records. And to mistake the star of david for a pentagram is beyond brain dead. I get the feeling these are the type of people you definitely did not want to impress.