
Atrocious_1 t1_j6is03s wrote

Yeah, ok, property taxes should be slashed on primary residences. It's a huge problem for lower income households and elderly.

You got a second home, or are a landlord, you should be taxed at higher rates for the extra homes. Personal income taxes should be increased for incomes over $150k.

And it's stupid how we fund education through property taxes by districts and not from a general education fund.


Atrocious_1 t1_j69fhwp wrote

Ok, sure. That's a possibility.

Now, there are other issues. PA isn't in a position to launch rockets. There's a reason it's all done in FL and TX, and that's not taxes, it's geography.

Then there's the issue where PA doesn't have the same sort of relationship with the military.

You'd need to change a huge amount of the culture. Really, it'd be better to heavily invest in tech, possibly semiconductor manufacturing, and software. There are plenty of places ripe for it.