
AttractivestDuckwing t1_j6kf71z wrote

I don't know if it's necessarily the best, but I've always been a fan of the opening to Day of the Tentacle. "I feel like I could... like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!!!!"

Zork: Grand Inquisitor is another fave. "You must never forget who is the boss of you: ME! I AM THE BOSS OF YOU! I AM THE BOSS OF YOU! I AM THE BOSS OF YOU!..."


AttractivestDuckwing t1_ityvp5l wrote

I've been a NYC construction worker for 25 years now, and this has always pissed me off. Yes, the Republicans are our enemies, but the Democrats are NOT our friends, no matter how much lip service they give. Maybe if we stopped pretending they were so wonderful for us and actually made them earn our votes, then some politician might actually give a shit.