AugustWolf22 t1_j85zeu3 wrote
Reply to comment by Gerrut_batsbak in Turkey reacts to humanitarian aid from Armenia by Caratteraccio
I admit, I misread it as 'rejects' at first, then I noticed which sub this was and read the title again.
I'm really glad that despite the terrible history and diplomatic relations between the two, the Armenians still found the kindness to send aid and help to Turkey in it's hour of need and that the Turkish government allowed the aid in. Hopefully this will have a long term positive impact on Turkish-Armenian relations.
AugustWolf22 t1_j7xie5b wrote
Reply to comment by cthulhuscradle in Rescuers digged a doggie out of the rubbles in Turkiye 60 hours after the devastating earthquake by UltraRanger72
A life saved is a life saved human or otherwise. Also , the rescue of that dog will bring some joy and stability to the lives of his/her family in this terrible time.
Yes it's tragic that so many have died, but it's uplifting because a life was saved from that fate.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j6zhb3v wrote
Thought this was quite an interesting article and knew that it'd be a good idea to share it here. Whilst I'd judge that the title of the Article's use of the Rosetta stone is a clickbait gimmick, to get eyeballs and clicks, the article itself is still decent and interesting, so worth a read. I didn't the previously know that there was a major revolt during the Ptolomaic dynasty.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5w3dnt wrote
Reply to comment by VPFrancisson in North Korea locks down capital Pyongyang over respiratory illness | North Korea by AugustWolf22
They are an autarkic (Virtually) closed system economy, which means that they have to make everything they need by and for themselves, so yes of course they have industries even if said industries production is often insufficient and key resources scarce or unavailable.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5w2qac wrote
Reply to comment by VPFrancisson in North Korea locks down capital Pyongyang over respiratory illness | North Korea by AugustWolf22
No? they are halting all businesses and Factories etc. this is very disruptive to supply chains and is out of the ordinary.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5v6r8q wrote
Reply to comment by TyhmensAndSaperstein in North Korea locks down capital Pyongyang over respiratory illness | North Korea by AugustWolf22
They don't have many tests, so maybe they are just being overly cautious with calling it covid without the means to be 100% sure. Idk what befit it would have though.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5uuuls wrote
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5uigoy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in North Korea locks down capital Pyongyang over respiratory illness | North Korea by AugustWolf22
The Western news outlets do tend towards being biased against North Korea and exaggerate stories to sensationalize the nation. This Does, however seem pretty serious and unexaggerated as it was announced by the DPRK government themselves and the news is just repeating what the North Korean Health authorities have said.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_j5t6zez wrote
Reply to comment by mrcolon96 in North Korea locks down capital Pyongyang over respiratory illness | North Korea by AugustWolf22
It doesn't help that they are also currently going through a nasty cold snap (-30^(oc) in places) too.
AugustWolf22 t1_j5k393m wrote
Reply to comment by YurtMcGirt in Can our brains be trained into respectful political dialogue. Research findings showed that youth who received the intervention showed a broad and multidimensional bio-neurobehavioral change and the intervention gains lasted for years by Wagamaga
I'm not saying that dialogue itself is useless per se, but rather individualised dialogue like this, when the issue is a systemic one originating from the overall goals of the group/society. Small actions like these can't change the fact that the aim of the Israeli state is to completely colonise Palestine and erase it's statehood and the rights of the Palestinian people in favour of Israeli citizens. Dialogue/diplomacy must be accompanied by systematic, sweeping top-down changes to the nature of the israeli goals with regards to Palestinian lands for thid conflict to be resolved. Trying to all get along and be friends just won't cut it.
AugustWolf22 t1_j5k24gt wrote
Reply to comment by The_Last_Green_leaf in Can our brains be trained into respectful political dialogue. Research findings showed that youth who received the intervention showed a broad and multidimensional bio-neurobehavioral change and the intervention gains lasted for years by Wagamaga
I'm not trying to strawman. But when you have groups who's altimate goal is the surpression and/ or extermination of your own group of people, dialogue is pointless. obviously people's personal views can vary somewhat here but we are talking moreso about the objectives of the group as a whole. To give another example would you be happy if they did this sort of program with a group of Ukrainians and Russians? would that be worthwhile and productive in your opinion?
AugustWolf22 t1_j5in8e1 wrote
Reply to comment by Wagamaga in Can our brains be trained into respectful political dialogue. Research findings showed that youth who received the intervention showed a broad and multidimensional bio-neurobehavioral change and the intervention gains lasted for years by Wagamaga
This is silly. It's pointless to have political dialogue and understanding when the whole argument of one side is that they want to ethnically cleanse and expell your people and are taught to view you as a lesser being. Imagine if in South Africa they had just peacefully talked an end to apartheid instead of protesting, fighting and sanctioning it. because both sides saw the common ground - basically the argument if this study. Doing so is suicide for groups in such situations.
AugustWolf22 t1_j13pa1p wrote
Reply to comment by citytiger in Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
I skim read it, but must have missed that part/glossed over it. in that case I don't see too much of a problem here.
AugustWolf22 t1_j13o6lz wrote
Reply to comment by citytiger in Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
well then who put it there, if not the state legislature, and if it was the legislature then that surely counts as a mixing of government and religion?
AugustWolf22 t1_j13m13g wrote
Reply to comment by citytiger in Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
Exactly, but there is an amendment in the US constitution that says it shouldn't be there.
AugustWolf22 t1_j13f13n wrote
Reply to comment by isaacfisher in Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
So as long as it's a minority religion you'd be ok with it being involved in politics?
AugustWolf22 t1_j13ermn wrote
Reply to comment by citytiger in Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
That's religious though, the menorah is being lit in celebration of hannukah which is explicitly tied to Judaism.
AugustWolf22 t1_j13em14 wrote
Reply to Menorah lit inside Capitol in Harrisburg by citytiger
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." - this is blatant favoritism towards a single religion by the local government. It's not uplifting, its a violation of the separation of church and state. Doesn't matter if its Jewish, or if it was a Christian, Muslim ect. Display, it should not be in a secular government building.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_izlm7wp wrote
Reply to comment by Knurael in Chester Zoo celebrates birth of endangered Malayan tapir by AugustWolf22
What about it? Yes it mentions that the number of Tapirs has greatly declined in recent times and that the Species is endangered, but that is what makes the news about this new born one so much more important/uplifting.
AugustWolf22 t1_iux4v7o wrote
This is wonderful news. the hard part is now going to be the reconciliation and rebuilding process, the Abiy government will no doubt have to acquiesce giving some form of autonomy to the Tigray region for this to be a lasting peace. I wish them the best of luck with the peace process, this war has gone on for far too long and claimed far too many lives. 🕊🕊☮
AugustWolf22 OP t1_iu86okm wrote
Reply to comment by Professional_Day2626 in Zombie pigeons in the UK: Mystery bird illness turns living birds into zombies by AugustWolf22
Thankfully it does not currently infect humans.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_iu5kdii wrote
Reply to comment by Zeniphyre in Zombie pigeons in the UK: Mystery bird illness turns living birds into zombies by AugustWolf22
An outbreak of a horrible and fatal disease that causes pigeons and other birds to violently and involuntarily spasm and fit has recently been reported on Guernsey and Jersey. there are fears that the disease could reach the rest of the UK. the virus that causes the disease is called: Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PPMV)
AugustWolf22 OP t1_iu4ywvz wrote
Reply to Zombie pigeons in the UK: Mystery bird illness turns living birds into zombies by AugustWolf22
apologies for the stupid headline they went with, this disease is Very serious however, so all fellow UK redditors please keep an eye out for sick birds.
AugustWolf22 OP t1_itz03ou wrote
Reply to comment by nojan in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy by AugustWolf22
Laughs in 1812.
AugustWolf22 t1_jeabb9k wrote
Reply to comment by commander_Fox_of_ww2 in Gods, tombs and Nazis: the Third Reich’s bad relationship with Egyptology by MeatballDom
I know that the Berlin Museum still has the bust of Nefertiti, but I'm not 100% sure then they ''acquired'' the bust.