
AustinLurkerDude t1_j85a7xe wrote

Usually there's early warning signs. Like my wife and I spent $500 on our wedding and less than that on the engagement ring. It allowed us to spend big $$$ on our future house and vacations.


My friend had the opposite issue where his ex-gf wanted some very extravagant rings/weddings so he broke it off.


AustinLurkerDude t1_iyaqt2b wrote


When I first started working my current company, the PPO had a $0 deductible and $10 co-pay. Now the deductible is almost as much as the HDCP plan and the premium is 2-3X the HDCP plan.


There's no set and fast rule on which is better because there's no consistency in the plans between companies. Really messed up system designed to lock you into an employer.


AustinLurkerDude t1_iy6bi0r wrote


I've never known a company where HR are the ones nixing the interview. If you had an onsite interview, I can't imagine HR being able to fail you unless you started spouting racist nonsense.


Maybe you already were not gonna get the job and the HR rep was just going through the motions? Don't feel bad, this place probably wouldn't be a good fit if you have to worry about office politics from the first day.


AustinLurkerDude t1_ixzfbsr wrote

School and church similar but restaurant, apartments, subways much less crowded in USA. Only NYC comes close, but you're right we should still see similar hotspots.

Even with no testing the hospitals should still show the same critical cases as Asia.

I wish there was more contact tracing to understand how this virus spread. Maybe the papers are still under peer review, love to understand this.
