
Avocadofarmer32 t1_iy8xq8h wrote

Had the same issue. My sister is actually a nurse and does a lot of these surgeries. You would just go to an outpatient surgicenter and be put under and then have it taken out/ put back in. You can pm me if you want more info!!


Avocadofarmer32 t1_ixer7gv wrote

I had a friend from elem school who started dating a guy who belonged to this cult. She became radicalized and changed her name to -EL on everything. She would post incredibly antisemitic stuff along with crazy conspiracy theories. She went from being normal to totally whacked out of her mind.


Avocadofarmer32 t1_ivxmbl2 wrote

Reply to A Hand Up? by vlj914

I would try Facebook buy nothing & then local food pantries. If you call social services they will have a social worker that should be able to assist with employment & setting up food stamps etc if you are in need.


Avocadofarmer32 t1_iupckv0 wrote

Batteries plus in Timonium has been great for every phone issue I’ve ever had. They also usually have coupons online. I know it’s not in the city but they’ve been great!


Avocadofarmer32 t1_iu2j7ws wrote

You can still do amazing things for your community while being a shitty person. His true colors came out today. He had the opportunity several times to learn from his mistakes and apologize and he chose not to. He took the “ I’m sorry that you’re offended route “ his remarks are the same antisemitic remarks that lead to the start of the Holocaust. That all Jews control the media and all Jews hold positions in power. And yes, everyone is allowed to make mistakes. He chose to continue to say “ I’m sorry you’re offended “


Avocadofarmer32 t1_iu2dzh5 wrote

He’s complete trash. He saw nothing wrong with his actions and made several videos/ tweets digging himself a deeper hole. At least kanye owns up to the fact that he’s antisemitic. Torrey is just a pig wearing lipstick pretending not to be. I’m Jewish and have dealt with antisemitism my entire life. What Torrey said was the same thing as what Kanye said. This is even more upsetting because we all used to love him & respect him. He was a Terp & a Raven.


Avocadofarmer32 t1_it9ll4z wrote

I know I’ll get downvoted but this is about the food. I think it’s actually quite good. There’s a reason they are buying restaurants and there’s a reason their restaurants are constantly packed. If the food and ambiance wasn’t good, people wouldn’t continue to eat there no matter how much influence they have in Baltimore. I don’t care about these people at all!