AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j1zvzsm wrote
Reply to comment by impulsekash in Winter weather upends water systems across the Deep South by getBusyChild
That's definitely what ends up happening—and it's probably what most politicians who support that slogan actually mean—but there are probably a non-trivial number of people who either only understand that phrase to mean "maximize operational efficiency" (without bothering to really parse what that entails) or genuinely don't understand that government should be a service, not a business.
It's historically laughable and demonstrably false, but I'm sure plenty of people still think that way, somehow.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j1zhncg wrote
Reply to comment by VyrPlan in Winter weather upends water systems across the Deep South by getBusyChild
This is what “running the government like a business” gets: a preoccupation with minimizing spending, particularly on non-immediate (but necessary and inevitable) expenditures.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j1g6d1z wrote
Reply to comment by CakeAccomplice12 in Factbox: About 1.2 million without power in United States from winter storms by Smithy2232
(To clarify: Not because human-like object Ted Cruz would actually do anything helpful; rather, he'd just cut & run if it actually got bad.)
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j1cfloi wrote
Reply to Facebook parent Meta to pay $725 mil to settle lawsuit relating to Cambridge Analyticahttps by dft-salt-pasta
I suppose it's better than nothing, but Meta's market cap is 310$Billion, so it could pay that fine one hundred times over and still be worth well over 200$Billion—which would still make it more valuable than Shell, McDonalds, Toyota, or Nike.
Until these companies have t pay fines that would make every single member of their C-suite sit down and cry for days, these sorts of things are just going to be the cost of doing business. (Specifically, the business of mishandling private user data.)
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j1c55kf wrote
Reply to comment by LocoDoge in Latest Soyuz capsule leak prompts Russians to plan possible rescue of space station crew by RandomForks
If SpaceX can do it, it’ll be the first positive thing I’m willing to say about Musk in a while.
Those are just scientists up there: If they can get home, they should get home, and I honestly don’t care who does it, if they can do it.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j12fv0s wrote
Reply to comment by Informal-Suit9126 in Marine Corps Plans To Get Rid Of "Yes Sir" Over Gender Neutrality Concerns - by Informal-Suit9126
It's a WordPress blog with no About section or ownership statement and a Twitter feed that hypes up The Crazy Pillow Guy.
The much better source it references does not say anyone "is planning" on doing anything: It says USMC commissioned a study, and the brass was looking at it, but they had reservations. And that's all.
Wait a minute.
You spend a lot of time submitting that shitty WordPress blog to various subs around this site.
Is it...your shitty WordPress blog, by chance?
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j0q72c4 wrote
Reply to comment by Cold-Reflectionz in Elon Musk's Mother Reports "Gun With 2 Bullets" Threat To The Billionaire by pmich80
Seems like they're the old Qanon, too.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_iuog7hx wrote
Reply to comment by mikeybagodonuts in Two Cops Shot by Man With Long Gun in Newark; No One in Custody by No___ImRight
It’s entirely possible that police didn’t provide any description besides “long gun”, and no credible news outlet would (or should) just make up their own details for flavor.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_iuhs0zm wrote
Reply to comment by TacoCommand in TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
What the others said: It manages to establish real emotional stakes—and pay them off in a poignant, understated way—all in a single hour of television.
And watching Peter Weller and John Noble share scenes together was fantastic.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_iugkho4 wrote
Reply to TIL Peter Weller, who played RoboCop, went on to get his Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance Art History and wrote his dissertation about Renaissance artist/philosopher Leon Battista Alberti by kamyizme
I know this isn't as impressive, but he was also the featured guest star in a Fringe episode called "White Tulip", which was probably the best episode that show ever did and is possibly one of the finest episodes of sci-fi television ever made.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_itaezrm wrote
Reply to comment by luminarium in Maine doctor's license suspended over COVID-19 claims by HubrisAndScandals
It’s OK: Not everyone understands how peer-review or consensus work.
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_ir3hich wrote
Liz: "My word, our handout to the rich certainly was unpopular with both the citizenry and economists! We need a distraction!"
Suella: "Hold my tea."
AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j230qr3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in U.S. to require negative COVID-19 test for travellers from China — but Canada not changing policy yet by stars_at_night_
China has a low vaccination rate, stopped tracking positive tests, is counting COVID deaths in the least-useful way possible, and has generally abandoned any meaningful risk-mitigation strategies.