AxelNotRose t1_ivu56jy wrote
Reply to comment by Asterbuster in [OC] Tech Layoffs in 2022 so far, percentage of total workforce by PieChartPirate
Such as yourself?
AxelNotRose t1_ivt9bpe wrote
Reply to comment by streetvues in [OC] Tech Layoffs in 2022 so far, percentage of total workforce by PieChartPirate
Not the person you asked but I find that good PMs are difficult to differentiate on paper vs. Poor or unqualified PMs due to the fact that what usually makes a PM stand out are their soft skills. Skills such as how to communicate, how to create relationships, how to find balance between being an ass to get shit done vs. Being understanding about potential delays, and so on. Soft skills are difficult to quantify on a written resume. Everyone can write "excellent communication skills". It's not quantifiable like knows this prpgramming language or this application suite or whatever. During the interview process, you have to ask SAR type questions to differentiate the good ones vs. The bad ones.
AxelNotRose t1_ivdjgvk wrote
Reply to comment by littlebitsofspider in Used coffin traded in at pawnshop as economy worsens by CCMcC
So would it start with an urn inside a casket?
AxelNotRose t1_iu1lsqg wrote
Reply to comment by madlibb in [Image] You’re overthinking again. Breathe. It’s okay. You’ll figure it out. And even if you don’t that’s okay too. by run2recovery
Ok, that does make a lot more sense. Thanks for clarifying.
AxelNotRose t1_iu17p6p wrote
Reply to [Image] You’re overthinking again. Breathe. It’s okay. You’ll figure it out. And even if you don’t that’s okay too. by run2recovery
Not sure how this is motivational. I mean sure, for things that have no consequences but many people have issues that do have dire consequences. I was just reading an article about a woman and her daughter (who happens to have health issues) about to become homeless because she bought a place that had tenants and months later, they're choosing to not leave nor pay rent. Poor woman is about to be homeless because she's already spent her life savings paying the mortgage on a property she can't even move into while paying rent to where she is living and she's run out of money and she's about to be evicted.
She's been trying to find a solution for months. So if she doesn't figure it out, it's not ok.
AxelNotRose OP t1_ituy2rm wrote
Reply to comment by Hairbear1965 in TIL that France and Spain "went to war" over a few stop signs in the 1970s and 1980s when France built two new roads that crossed a Spanish road and installed new stop signs which Spanish citizens continually removed over and over again for years. This became known as the "War of the Stop Signs". by AxelNotRose
Thanks for sharing. That made it even more interesting!
AxelNotRose t1_ivv2sz4 wrote
Reply to comment by ComposerOne in [OC] Tech Layoffs in 2022 so far, percentage of total workforce by PieChartPirate
Yeah, the tech skills a PM might have are a massive bonus to the function if they're PMing tech projects. They still need those soft-skills though. Without them, they end up drowning, especially in complex projects.