
Aylabadayla t1_iuencqb wrote

It just depends on your group of friends I guess. There have been times when my friends have come to me or I have gone to them. I would say we both try to remain pretty neutral or offer advice in a tactful way.

I will say that I’m old enough now where my friend group is quality over quantity and we are pretty good at telling each other what we think or what we believe without getting offended. So I guess my life tip is coming from my own experience.


Aylabadayla t1_iuckgdl wrote

This is good advice until it’s not. Sometimes it’s healthier to talk about a problem in your marriage with a close friend or someone you trust as they can give you a different viewpoint. There have been many times where I’ve vented to a friend and was offered different perspectives.

However, I think it’s super duper important not to involve your immediate family in your marital issues. If you’re having a fight with your spouse and vent to your parents about it, you’re more likely to forgive them easier and quicker vs your parents. It just leads to more problems.