Azr431 OP t1_j33ug5z wrote
Reply to comment by SkiingAway in Nine largest American utilities by market cap made $14B in profit in 2022 by Azr431
>Are the things you're holding up as examples a significant part of the increase in your utility costs this year - Nope.
I never claimed the reason for the huge price increases in 2022 was because of the large dividends, CEO pay increase, etc. You formed that narrative on your own.
>Are for-profit utilities a good thing - Probably not, especially as many currently function. At minimum, they need tighter regulation or better market design/structure.
I guess a capitalist and a socialist can agree on something!
Azr431 OP t1_j33nqmn wrote
Reply to comment by SkiingAway in Nine largest American utilities by market cap made $14B in profit in 2022 by Azr431
It's obvious we won't see eye to eye on this, so I'll reframe a simple question for you.
Do you think it's ok for an electricity provider that's supplying a basic need to pay $644M of dividends to shareholders with our money for three quarters in 2022 and give their CEO a 28% raise in one year?
Azr431 OP t1_j33ew10 wrote
Reply to comment by SkiingAway in Nine largest American utilities by market cap made $14B in profit in 2022 by Azr431
CPI is not directly linked to profit margins.
>I'm not saying they're great, altruistic firms, but they're largely not really responsible for your bills increasing either.
Considering Eversource sets the prices we pay, I would say they are responsible for the rates we pay. Before you reply with "but they're just passing on the rates they're paying", reread the three bullet points I noted.
This is why we need not-for-profit public or publicly-owned utilities. Neo-liberal deregulation is a sham to enrich the capitalist class and extract from the working class.
Azr431 t1_j2yqci1 wrote
Reply to comment by ZacPetkanas in NH blueberries need cold winters. Climate change threatens them. by rabblebowser
Ain’t gonna fix it chief
Azr431 t1_j2rfz77 wrote
Reply to Fox on The Run by Coolhuman1505_
The comments didn’t disappoint 😂
Azr431 t1_j2dxe9p wrote
I went to a new car dealer of another vehicle brand and they were straight. There’s no financial incentive for them to play you
Azr431 t1_j26hwer wrote
Are you working at Dartmouth? Retired? WFH? Not enough deets to really help
Azr431 t1_j23sjru wrote
Reply to comment by Apprehensive-Hat-494 in Globe Editorial Board: Boston police union needs to accept new realities of policing by GlobeOpinion
Oh I’m aware lol
Azr431 t1_j222bgv wrote
Reply to Globe Editorial Board: Boston police union needs to accept new realities of policing by GlobeOpinion
Someone needs to bring the hammer down on these goons. Wu has an opportunity to have a legacy by taking them on.
Azr431 t1_j1xjial wrote
Reply to Is the fear of being involuntarily committed making people not seek mental health? by northhiker1
If someone is even remotely needing involuntary hospitalization, guns are the least of their worries. And quite frankly, I’d venture to guess most people committed involuntarily should not have access to guns. This is a weird ass post
Azr431 t1_j1secp4 wrote
Reply to A useful guide to surviving a dog attack by Witchdrdre
Very relevant. My wife has been aggressively threatened by several different large dogs on her walks. She carries dog mace now but fortunately hasn’t had to use it although I think it’s only a matter of time. The dumbass hillbillies out here just let their dogs roam loose
Azr431 t1_j1mxrui wrote
Reply to Libson Elementary - Teacher excludes wheelchair bound student from Christmas activity in front of parents by CuteCuteJames
This is so hard to watch. Heartbreaking. Hope this teacher recognizes this and makes changes.
Azr431 t1_j0hbiqq wrote
Egg nog and whiskey? You gotta try nog and spiced rum with some fresh nutmeg
Azr431 t1_j0bp9ef wrote
We noticed the same thing when looking at homes, but it’s not just NH, it’s much of New England and most of the northeast. There’s not a lot of new construction so the average age of homes here is higher. Older homes tend to be more dated. High CoL also reduces disposable income. NH actually has the youngest median housing stock in the northeast, although it’s still on the older end relative to the burgeoning west or south regions.
Azr431 t1_izlpj5d wrote
Reply to comment by Tickled_Pickler in Just a wicked cool dude by reefer_roulette
The goatee. Every time lol
Azr431 t1_izlp58s wrote
Reply to Just a wicked cool dude by reefer_roulette
Someone’s compensating
Azr431 t1_iziyrni wrote
Reply to comment by Smirkly in Whose everyone use for electric utility? Just saw my December from national grid and almost had a heart attack. Anyone use direct energy? I need to start price shopping. by JayBisky
Lol sure you locked in a rate from 2010?
Azr431 t1_iytw139 wrote
Reply to Southern New Hampshire Hospital by theunknownunknown166
Isn’t the capitalist healthcare model great
Azr431 t1_iymi1fe wrote
Reply to Is the Downeaster train usually on time? by SquashDue502
One of my kids rides it regularly. It's almost always on time or within 5-10 minutes.
Azr431 t1_iymhnik wrote
Reply to comment by fins4ever in Shaheen blasts proposal to move SC ahead of NH primary by fins4ever
>State pride and significant political power
Azr431 t1_iycpd6j wrote
Reply to Dam controversy: After Bow pond drained, some residents hope to leave the future up to beavers by DethKnotWurst
So a lone special interest outdoorsman group ruined an entire natural ecosystem because they built an inadequate bridge? I'd be pissed off too, fuck these guys
Azr431 t1_iy8m9z0 wrote
Reply to So Many 603 Phone Calls by WarlockTank
People still answer their phones from an unknown caller? lol
Azr431 t1_ixozkcd wrote
Reply to Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
A million dollars to a billionaire is like $10 for us serfs. It’s the cost of one beer for these people. So many people can’t or don’t truly comprehend how much just one billion dollars is. While it does help those in need, people like Bezos are creating the class of people he’s donating to “help”
Azr431 t1_ixoz34h wrote
Reply to comment by DethKnotWurst in Nashua Soup Kitchen receives $1.25 million grant from Bezos fund. What do you all think of this? by Environmental3rdEye
This is exactly right. They do their occasional benevolent acts like this that garner public support for them from the simpletons. It’s a PR move that temporarily helps the very problems people like Bezos creates and they think we should thank them for it.
Azr431 t1_j3a40kp wrote
Reply to Pot legalization not part of NH Senate GOP agenda by redditor01020
The state liquor stores can sell it without the feds legalizing it. It’s pretty funny how the GOP loves to claim states rights and give the middle finger to the feds on all the things THEY support, but not cannabis, which is supported by 2/3 of granite staters.
But the GOP wants to pass some ‘parents bill of rights’ nonsense to satisfy their anti-gov’t voters 🙄