Azr431 t1_iu1eyju wrote
Reply to comment by a1234321 in As N.H. voters head to polls next month, gerrymandered state Senate is on the ballot by Final_Act6703
Yep. Only 14 states use some form of independent redistricting.
Azr431 t1_iu1ae7u wrote
Reply to comment by kangaroospyder in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
If they're purpose-designed/built, they are very nice. If they try shoe-horning some bike lines into an existing sidewalk, it rarely works well.
Azr431 t1_itr43k6 wrote
Reply to comment by wegandi in What is the REAL current state of the Senate race? by misomiso82
Registered Dems outnumber registered Republicans. Unaffiliated outnumber both
And the only reason the GOP has retained or increased legislative seats is because of gerrymandering
Azr431 t1_itr0uci wrote
Reply to comment by wegandi in What is the REAL current state of the Senate race? by misomiso82
I was referring to the House and, ok, there was one cycle it didn't flip
Azr431 t1_itnyme3 wrote
Reply to comment by rog_ChaiNSaW in What is the REAL current state of the Senate race? by misomiso82
NH was deep red for a long time and now it’s purple 😁
Azr431 t1_itnye9z wrote
Reply to comment by The_Road_is_Calling in What is the REAL current state of the Senate race? by misomiso82
State leg has flipped every two years for the last decade. A fickle bunch we have in NH
Azr431 t1_itny4cc wrote
Reply to comment by Senno_Ecto_Gammat in What is the REAL current state of the Senate race? by misomiso82
State Leg has changed hands every two years for a decade. Most of New England’s love affair with GOP governors and the consistent flipping of the NH house is very intriguing
Azr431 t1_itnxcfw wrote
Reply to comment by ninjamansidekick in What is the REAL current state of the Senate race? by misomiso82
Thank you for your service u/kauffj! 🙌
Azr431 t1_itnwobt wrote
You only pay taxes to the state where the work physically took place. Unless there’s some reciprocity agreement between NH and MA, you only pay NH taxes.
Azr431 t1_itm8dir wrote
This is absolutely heartbreaking and what most folks assumed. That poor child being born to two degenerates and the protective system failing her at every turn.
Azr431 t1_ita9v1s wrote
Reply to comment by mycophdstudent in Vermont town employee who quietly lowered the fluoride in water has resigned by Hanginon
Just run your water through a tin foil funnel and you’ll be safe
Azr431 t1_it0jbxd wrote
Reply to was trying to wait as long as possible before cranking up the woodstove, then this came in the mail. now i don't have to yoink a stack of 7 days to start my fires. thanks jebus! by brainzilla420
Looks like a generic romance novel lol
Azr431 t1_isfwk4n wrote
Reply to comment by tuctrohs in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
Thought it was pretty clearly implied standard meant daylight standard time but ok
People that advocate for daylight saving all year usually don’t see the forest for the trees. They don’t consider how it would impact the rest of the country, time shifting doesn’t operate in a vacuum and only affect NH. Sunset isn’t until almost 10pm in parts of the PNW and upper Midwest, it’s so weird going to bed with the sun still up and then it rises late in the morning. Then factor in world times and it’s more of a mess
Anyways this has sucked up more time than I care about it lol
Azr431 t1_isfrjnt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
His second point is not the topic from the OP, not to mention it’s irrelevant
Azr431 t1_isfqcew wrote
Reply to comment by tuctrohs in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
>You seem to have missed the point of my comment. Because switching is not healthy on our bodies, you should argue for keeping it the same all year.
That's literally what I wrote:
>Switching is not healthy for our bodies, it should remain standard all year.
The OP is not making an argument for time zone demarcations, they're arguing for retaining daylight saving all year. You'll always have variations between the farthest edges of one zone to the opposite edge of another. You'll also have a 1 hr difference between two areas right next to each other. There's simply no way around that.
The OP's argument would affect areas of different latitudes most significantly.
Azr431 t1_isfmpas wrote
Reply to comment by tuctrohs in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
Switching is not healthy for our bodies, it should remain standard all year. Longitudinally, it's not much of a difference. Latitude differences are more pronounced between the seasons.
Azr431 t1_isflzdz wrote
Reply to comment by overdoing_it in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
It would be 4:30 at it's earliest, and yes, that's early, but that's just how it is this far north. What you're also not considering is this doesn't just affect NH, it's everyone globally in each zone.
Azr431 t1_isf2sdf wrote
Reply to comment by besafenh in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
School hours are stupid in America, but not for the reason you mentioned. 😂
Azr431 t1_isf2lq9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
A lot of people also don’t understand why standard time is better for all of society, they just like having more light after work.
Azr431 t1_isf2fnj wrote
Reply to comment by overdoing_it in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
But you want it daylight saving time all year, so while it’s more pronounced in winter, it also affects fall and spring. It should be standard time all year.
Azr431 t1_isevfqs wrote
Reply to comment by overdoing_it in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
So because you had to get to school in the dark makes it right? And what about the kids that walk or ride bikes?
I used to drive home from work in the dark, it wasn’t a big deal. See how your argument can easily be flipped?
Azr431 t1_iseo6e8 wrote
Reply to comment by overdoing_it in Really don't feel like ending daylight savings in 3 weeks by overdoing_it
lol this just shifts the dark commute to the morning instead of the evening.
I’m also guessing you don’t have kids who’d have to get to school in the dark.
Azr431 t1_is7myud wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in This piece of garbage by Vermonter623
OMG, the girl's mother trying to blame her ex-husband and father of the girl knowing her boyfriend was the one that did it. Absolutely depraved, she should lose all rights to her kids.
Azr431 t1_irtysvo wrote
Wait, northbound was bad? Southbound has been awful for the last few days
Azr431 t1_iu4lfz2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kuster Trailing in New NHJournal Poll, With Hassan Tied and Leavitt Close - NH Journal by slimyprincelimey
The one point this sock puppet got right is that libertarians and republicans are the same group