
Azr431 t1_j6ovyfe wrote

>“So, if I’m going out into the parking garage late at night and somebody yells, ‘Hey sweet cheeks,’ I’m just joking. There’s no way for me to defend myself. I mean I have a knife, but come on,” Gerhard said.

This little gem is just too perfect. Men that think they need to carry all the time are the biggest snowflakes alive. They're scared of their own shadows


Azr431 t1_j5wbtp8 wrote

You can’t drive with a phone in your hand. Having a fucking dog in your lap can be arguably worse. You right wingers wanna huff paint or do stupid shit that doesn’t affect anyone else? Be my guest. Driving is a privilege and it comes with due care responsibilities so you don’t ruin other people’s days. This is a completely reasonable proposal


Azr431 t1_j5r90tj wrote

lol not even close to reality. The logging/paper product companies out west were always amenable to outdoorsmen. As they sold off parcels to private land owners, many of those private owners have closed off access in many ways. Look up the Wilkes brothers from Texas and the shit they’ve done in Idaho