Azr431 t1_j6ovyfe wrote
Reply to State Rep. Gerhard Wants Gun Ownership Rights Restored To 'Ex-Felons' Like Him by slimyprincelimey
>“So, if I’m going out into the parking garage late at night and somebody yells, ‘Hey sweet cheeks,’ I’m just joking. There’s no way for me to defend myself. I mean I have a knife, but come on,” Gerhard said.
This little gem is just too perfect. Men that think they need to carry all the time are the biggest snowflakes alive. They're scared of their own shadows
Azr431 t1_j6kvy4d wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit_in_her_voice in Salem Man Pleads Not Guilty Following Weekend Shooting by [deleted]
There’s never just one bad guy. Every red blooded Murican knows this
Azr431 t1_j6kr4a9 wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit_in_her_voice in Salem Man Pleads Not Guilty Following Weekend Shooting by [deleted]
Well obvs because there weren’t 20 dead bad guys
Azr431 t1_j6kpjgr wrote
It’s a shame everyone in the vicinity wasn’t armed to the teeth so we coulda had a huge gunslinging shootout with good guys everywhere!
Azr431 t1_j6ahxwq wrote
Reply to Quality of life Map, by state. by Floperator1492
I mean they have MS and AR in the top 10 so it’s defs legit lol
Azr431 t1_j600qhq wrote
Reply to Residency in NH for an RV'er full timing on the road? Can i use a Mail Box Center for address? by __get_schwifty__
SD and FL have relaxed regulations on residency and are frequently used by full-time RV'ers due to no income tax. They're the Cayman Islands of America
Azr431 t1_j5zmk3m wrote
Reply to Is it illegal in the state of new Hampshire to list manufactured home as single family home? by NecessaryMistake9754
That's not a manufactured home
Azr431 t1_j5zffn8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Drive Free or Die? NH considers restricting pets in cars by DietCokeMachine
Drink that koolaid!
Azr431 t1_j5wecke wrote
bUt iTs JuSt oNe bAd ApPle
Azr431 t1_j5wbtp8 wrote
You can’t drive with a phone in your hand. Having a fucking dog in your lap can be arguably worse. You right wingers wanna huff paint or do stupid shit that doesn’t affect anyone else? Be my guest. Driving is a privilege and it comes with due care responsibilities so you don’t ruin other people’s days. This is a completely reasonable proposal
Azr431 t1_j5wb6eo wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Drive Free or Die? NH considers restricting pets in cars by DietCokeMachine
You really think republicans are about less control?? Hahaha
Azr431 t1_j5t3wd2 wrote
Reply to comment by terminalE469 in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
Ah yeah, the public lands out west are great
Azr431 t1_j5r9a3j wrote
Reply to comment by SobeysBags in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
Billionaires shouldn’t exist
Azr431 t1_j5r90tj wrote
Reply to comment by terminalE469 in The Irving Family is the single largest landowner in Maine, owning 1,267,792 in the state. They have also planted more than 1 billion trees across Canada and the United States. by Raz0rRamon
lol not even close to reality. The logging/paper product companies out west were always amenable to outdoorsmen. As they sold off parcels to private land owners, many of those private owners have closed off access in many ways. Look up the Wilkes brothers from Texas and the shit they’ve done in Idaho
Azr431 t1_j5lyzzx wrote
16" today near Kearsarge on top of the 8" the other day. Took me 4 hours for the deck, roof and my neighbor's and my driveways. Time for a Gov'nah now
Azr431 t1_j5edde3 wrote
Reply to comment by snooshoe in Why Does N.H. Still Require Annual Car Inspections? by snooshoe
Deaths are only the most severe metric. What about non-fatal crash data? That would be more interesting and relevant
Azr431 t1_j539kc1 wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in This is currently an anti-trans bill sitting in our house at the moment, and frankly, I don’t see enough people talking about it. by Jtagz
When you get your Ph.D in child development or become a pediatrician, let’s talk
Azr431 t1_j539dhe wrote
Reply to This is currently an anti-trans bill sitting in our house at the moment, and frankly, I don’t see enough people talking about it. by Jtagz
>prohibits teaching about gender identity in public schools
Republicans are something else. Nothing to improve or make granite staters lives better. Just stupid fucking culture wars. Once a decade we get a new boogeyman from these mouth breathers
Azr431 t1_j4s2aiu wrote
Reply to comment by I_Miss_Lenny in German riot police tormented by 'mud wizard' at proposed coal mine protest by wewhomustnotbenamed
So anyway, I started blasting
Azr431 t1_j4jg9vz wrote
The only people that don’t like RCV are right wingers. Fascism isn’t sustainable under it
Azr431 t1_j4jg4en wrote
Reply to comment by eecooney in Opinion: Brain science supports ranked choice voting by orange_wires
NYC uses it now too
Azr431 t1_j4b79u2 wrote
Reply to Darn icy roads by Fun-Midnight1010
That thick slushy stuff is as bad as ice
Azr431 t1_j447wa8 wrote
Reply to comment by HelgaLovesApples in New Hampshire Trans Sanctuary Bill (plus two others) by 1carus_x
Fucking preach. These mouth breathers don’t give two shits and/or don’t know two shits about the real dangers or challenges that women face. They like to regurgitate dumb shit they hear from tucker Carlson.
Azr431 t1_j446z6k wrote
Reply to comment by HowardNelsonJr in New Hampshire Trans Sanctuary Bill (plus two others) by 1carus_x
Republicans would be the perfect sponsor of such a thing. It could be some self-help therapy
Azr431 t1_j6pi0hx wrote
Reply to comment by mrhuggiebear in New homeowner from Texas & first winter. I've never seen temps like what's forecasted. What do I need to know? (septic & well) by MysteryOil
Yikes, what area are you in?