BEE_REAL_ t1_iudmkos wrote
Reply to comment by SavingsService2138 in Why can't Terminator 2 be considered one of the greatest movie of all time ? by SavingsService2138
How many movies that are considered some of the greatest of all time have you seen
BEE_REAL_ t1_iudmj0y wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating-Assist18 in Why can't Terminator 2 be considered one of the greatest movie of all time ? by SavingsService2138
> Yes but not everyone likes action so not everyone is going to consider an action/sci-fi movie
The 3rd most acclaimed movie of all time is pure sci fi
BEE_REAL_ t1_iudaehr wrote
Reply to comment by real_don_quixote in Movies with directors as actors? by mywordswillgowithyou
Welles plays either the protagonist or the villain (usually the villain) in all of his completed features except 2 or 3
BEE_REAL_ t1_iuda4a7 wrote
Reply to Movies with directors as actors? by mywordswillgowithyou
Wild Strawberries stars Victor Sjostrom, Sweden's most notable director before Bergman
Orson Welles has a number of acting credits in other peoples' movies. I think the oddest one is in Pasolini's short satirical film La Ricotta, where he plays an arrogant American director and his voice is dubbed over completely in Italian (probably as satire of the practice, which was common in Italian movies at the time).
BEE_REAL_ t1_iud9qqw wrote
Reply to comment by mywordswillgowithyou in Movies with directors as actors? by mywordswillgowithyou
Todd Fields, who played Nick Nightingale, also ended up being a director
BEE_REAL_ t1_iud8bs4 wrote
Reply to comment by NoDisintegrationz in Your top five horror movies by MovieFanZ5026
The first half of Psycho is incredible, but the 2nd half of is just so uninteresting to me, just scenes upon scenes of characters who weren't even in the movie before disseminating the plot
BEE_REAL_ t1_iucwov5 wrote
Reply to comment by mikebuba in Any crime or thriller movies about Holywood? by mikebuba
Go for it then, it's a great movie
BEE_REAL_ t1_iucvk3m wrote
Reply to Any crime or thriller movies about Holywood? by mikebuba
Mulholland Drive
Barton Fink
Sunset Boulevard
Hail Caesar
White Hunter, Black Heart (not set in Hollywood, but about Hollywood people travelling to Africa based largely on a real story)
In a Lonely Place (maybe only the setting of Hollywood rather than about it though)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Boogie Nights (Hollywood adjacent)
BEE_REAL_ t1_iucualm wrote
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a movie I went into thinking it was fun and crazy but in sort of a half good half bad sorta way.
Turns out it's just amazing
BEE_REAL_ t1_iucsqan wrote
Reply to Your top five horror movies by MovieFanZ5026
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Hour of the Wolf
Rosemary's Baby
The Thing
BEE_REAL_ t1_iub5jzv wrote
Reply to comment by Phinlee_Bruv in are mainstream films worth watching? by Phinlee_Bruv
That's mainstream too lol
To answer your question, I don't think superhero movies are worth your time or anybody's, but stuff like The Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park (only the first one) definitely are. You don't have to like blockbusters though, you can just look for other kinds of movies.
BEE_REAL_ t1_iub4pus wrote
Reply to are mainstream films worth watching? by Phinlee_Bruv
What are movies you like?
BEE_REAL_ t1_iua4gxa wrote
Reply to Good movies like Cabaret? by boxer_dogs_dance
Great movies about people living in real facism/authoritarianism that I can think of:
The Spirit of the Beehive
Day of Wrath
Jojo Rabbit
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu9i1s1 wrote
Men Behind the Sun is generally not well regarded, while Come and See is considered widely one of the best war movies ever
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu91qoz wrote
Reply to Bad movies with interesting ideas. by wisconsinking
This is gonna sound weird, but Mr Woodcock always struck me as a concept for a movie that could have been really great
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu8z98x wrote
Reply to What movie made you squirm? by ethihoff
Honestly the #1 answer is probably The King of Comedy. It's just too real
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu8c4b6 wrote
Reply to American Psycho really is an analysis on how materialistic and shallow modern society is and how its indifference towards each other's pain can affect certain people. [MY ANALYSIS] by thePian0Star
Bateman is literally a sadistic psychopath, he has no desire to interact with people in any way beyond demonstrating power over them. He is upset because society is so uncaring and shallow, his own personal depravity doesn't even make a dent.
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu5k42n wrote
Reply to The Usual Suspects is overrated by [deleted]
Yes, you're right about everything, there is nothing notable about it besides the famous twist, and the twist unravels on rewatch (it's literally not foreshadowed or set up in any way, the movie makes you think it is by cutting to stuff you never saw at the end).
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu3uvig wrote
Reply to Movies or TV that says you can beat fate by Beau_bell
Not sure if these are exactly what you're looking for, but these movies are all about a characters refusal to succumb to seemingly inevitable/inescapable circumstances:
On the Waterfront
The Trial (1967)
The Big Heat
Pans Labyrinth
High Noon
Michael Clayton
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu3rp4b wrote
Reply to Movies like Columbus? by cameronedenlost
Yasujiro Ozu movies
Michelangelo Antonioni movies (not a fan myself, but he's extremely well regarded and sounds like what you're looking for)
BEE_REAL_ t1_iu0vxi8 wrote
Reply to comment by Academic-Pudding6066 in Movies that are only memorable because of their plot twist? by essceebee
The most correct answer. After you know the twist it's junk
BEE_REAL_ t1_ituu0ia wrote
Reply to comment by ZippyZappyZoopy in My Thoughts on Seven (1995)… by Standard_Rip9349
That's fair, I could probably cut the "with edgyness" part out and it would communicate what I mean better
BEE_REAL_ t1_itujk9w wrote
Reply to comment by ZippyZappyZoopy in My Thoughts on Seven (1995)… by Standard_Rip9349
You're assuming a lot from one word lol
Se7en is not edgy from a filmmaking perspective, it pushes no envelopes in terms of form, narrative, or even content really. It doesn't really engage with the violence in the movie, it just suggests. It gives flashes of convoluted violent scenarios, but with no interest in actually intimating the viewer with the violence -- it justs suggests it to try to impress the viewer with edgyness.
BEE_REAL_ t1_itui5t6 wrote
Reply to comment by GONA_B_L8 in Why don't we make movies about the victims instead of the serial killers? by [deleted]
Why do we make depraved random violence interesting and exciting
BEE_REAL_ t1_iudr5nu wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating-Assist18 in Why can't Terminator 2 be considered one of the greatest movie of all time ? by SavingsService2138
2001: A Space Odyssey