
BMorris2526 t1_iv768qx wrote

I agree that Trump wasn't qualified. I couldn't vote for him or Hillary. However I did agree with some of his economic policies. The economic policies under this administration have been a disaster under this administration. That said, Biden certainly hasn't governed like a conservative. Most democrats disagree with you on Harris, which is why she rarely makes public appearances. I think she has the lowest VP approval rating in history.


BMorris2526 t1_iuizlpp wrote

I know that facts are difficult to understand with certain individuals. Being ignorant applies to you and your woke minions who refuse to accept what is in front of you. Maybe you live in your parents basement and don't have to pay for fuel or groceries. You're too busy being focused on gender fluidity and celebrating abortion in the third trimester.


BMorris2526 t1_iuiljnu wrote

It's actually quite simple, but not simple enough for the progressives in this forum to understand. The President declares war on the fossil fuel companies, he said it, on his first day in office. Shuts down the construction of all pipelines in the U.S. Consequently, energy prices increase dramatically causing people to seek alternative sources to heat their homes.
