BOBOUDA t1_it26jx8 wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Two penguins on a beach by Dancing_Cthulhu
BOBOUDA OP t1_isonnnm wrote
Reply to comment by TheMadMagpie in PsBattle: The peacock room in the sammezzano castle. by BOBOUDA
Spiral out !
BOBOUDA t1_isivowj wrote
Reply to comment by TheCaliforniaOp in PsBattle: This less than thrilled Caique by JuracichPark
Well I have a new religion
BOBOUDA t1_isgo0mc wrote
Reply to comment by JuracichPark in PsBattle: This less than thrilled Caique by JuracichPark
That'd be great then, I'm hyped to see it printed !!
EDIT : also if you need any edit of the picture I can still modify it
BOBOUDA t1_isgita7 wrote
Reply to comment by JuracichPark in PsBattle: This less than thrilled Caique by JuracichPark
That's amazing ! Super glad you and your friends enjoy it.
That would be very cool, although I'm from France so if you're from the US I don't know how much it'd cost you, so only do it if it's cheap :)
BOBOUDA t1_isfembi wrote
Reply to comment by JuracichPark in PsBattle: This less than thrilled Caique by JuracichPark
Oh glad you like it haha ! It was actually pretty simple, I found an image with Adam already removed from the painting on the internet. I upscaled it with a website.
Here's the full resolution of my photoshop :
Not that much bigger but that's what I got.
I don't know much about what is required for a print but if you know you need a specific ratio or resolution I can look into editing it a specific way
BOBOUDA t1_ivesx9w wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Police chasing a pig by randy5599
Turbo pig