
BabyBat07 t1_iy0i7ho wrote

Bf and I went out to buy lights and decorations for the house, if it had stopping raining before he had to work we probably would have got our tree, but of course as soon as he goes in it’s sunny.


BabyBat07 t1_iu01pul wrote

Shit, if that’s what you’re used to seeing, I have no idea why you’d be scared of Richmond.

I’ve lived here for 12 years and I have never felt unsafe as far as shootings or stabbings or other crimes, if you don’t go looking for trouble chances are it won’t find you. The only time I’ve ever felt unsafe was that I was probably roofied, by someone I know.

Lock your doors, don’t leave anything valuable in your car because it will get broken into, pay attention to your drinks, be aware of your surroundings, and you’ll be fine.