
Badboyforlife411 t1_j9se8nu wrote

"Some shootings, robberies" means that you are at an increased risk of experiencing those things. Life is hard enough, no reason to add the potential for more PITA crap to happen to you if you can avoid it.

Here is an example. My buddy had his stock car radio stolen out of his car during the day in a school parking lot in that neighborhood. A GATED SCHOOL PARKING LOT. Sure no one was hurt, but do you really want to introduce the annoyance of things like that if you can avoid it?

If you don't have to live in a neighborhood where those things occur there is no reason to.


Badboyforlife411 t1_j9ppty3 wrote

I lived in Bridgeport for 25 year total in my life. This is in the Mill Hill area, not in the east end. No this is not a neighborhood I would live in. In that exact neighborhood there are really good, hardworking people. There are also a lot of murders, car thefts, muggings, ect.

Another thing that people on here probably wont mention is this area of town used to have a lot of industry and has a lot of dilapidated buildings. The air quality is NOT GOOD.

There is no full Grocery Store in this neighborhood, just mini marts and bodegas.

There are 100% areas of Bridgeport I would still live in. Black Rock, The North End, & Brooklawn.

Just like any other major city you will probably be fine if you mind your business, have a garage to park your car, are not flashy, ect, but statistically that neighborhood is not good.

I love Bridgeport this is not a nock on the town. If you can afford to live elsewhere please do so.


Badboyforlife411 t1_iratzqj wrote

>sites are leased. it's just a scumbag move to apply for such a niche permit when your only intention is to tax the next person who will be doing all the work. sweet flex though. how's your 2010 - 2015 infinity running?

Your a scumbag, What you are doing generates nothing, it has NO WORTH. You are essentially worthless human capital. YOU are the exact thing we dont want in the industry.