Badtrainwreck t1_iu54ws5 wrote
Reply to comment by NPVT in Teen describes freaky encounter with 'gimp man' - BBC News by Narcissistic-Kal
How many gigabytes is Gimp worth?
Badtrainwreck t1_iu4l0e3 wrote
Reply to Gambling, Sex, and Red Pills: The Worst Ads We've Seen in Apple's App Store (so Far) | Apple's new App Store ads are less than three days old, but if ads for gambling, dating, and right-wing videos are any indication, it could be going better. by chrisdh79
Sex is the worst ad on apple? Why because sex is evil?
Badtrainwreck t1_iu2zubm wrote
Reply to comment by davidreiss666 in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy by AugustWolf22
😂 come on dude, the guys a monarch and he is the head, it’s not like you guys accidentally keep selecting one of the people in the same bloodline.
Badtrainwreck t1_iu0b7ct wrote
Reply to comment by N8CCRG in Man who livestreamed King Soopers mass shooting found not guilty in obstruction case by AudibleNod
I haven’t watched the video, but in light of Uvalde I think there is a good chance some officers just want to “be distracted” during mass shootings, because they do not want to be in any position where they do not have the upper hand. So it wouldn’t surprise me if some officers target people at the scene just so they don’t have to engage with a shooter
Badtrainwreck t1_iu06lhq wrote
Reply to comment by nsdwight in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy by AugustWolf22
Idk if the people arguing against this are pro monarchy and want to bury the connection in semantics as much as possible or are so anti monarchy, but pro status quo that they cannot fathom acknowledging the connection of the monarchy and Canada
Badtrainwreck t1_iu062qb wrote
Reply to comment by randomnighmare in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy by AugustWolf22
It’s not a part of the UK it’s a part of the commonwealth which is run by the head of the commonwealth Charles. Idk people would couldn’t just say that rather than saying “no it isn’t”
It obviously is a part of the monarchy in that regard, which is reflected in their currency.
Badtrainwreck t1_itzrpwy wrote
Reply to comment by alienlizardlion in TSMC says efforts to rebuild US semiconductor industry are doomed to fail by 0wed12
It’s hard to say if it’s just propaganda, The Taiwanese lead the market and they decide who gets the best, and if that knowledge and expertise is exported. They obviously have a a political reason to not give America everything it wants.
However us Americans have no stomachs for short term losses to achieve long term gain. If no one is willing to hold our hands through the billions we’d need to throw away just to play pretend chip maker then we will never get to the finish line of being not only independent but dominate. Participation is easy, but leading has a cost that not everyone is willing to pay
Badtrainwreck t1_itybcqs wrote
Reply to comment by Zakluor in A second railroad union votes down Biden's tentative agreement by WutRTatersPrecious
Even if it was just about money who cares? If companies are making profits that means there’s an opportunity to raise wages. People seem to think unions are the problem because employees want more wages, but the fact is that employees want more wages and companies want more profits and because a company will never decrease profits any time workers win it’s seen as a loss for the consumer, which is insane the only people who always look good are the investors who are putting in zero effort towards the company
Badtrainwreck t1_itwxbud wrote
Reply to comment by calmdownkaren_ in Iran arrests Spanish man walking to Qatar World Cup by 60dB
Ah, I see where you slipped into the conversation
Badtrainwreck t1_itwcnix wrote
Reply to comment by calmdownkaren_ in Iran arrests Spanish man walking to Qatar World Cup by 60dB
I’m not saying there’s something wrong with you, but you calling him entitled without knowing him or more details is a dick move
Badtrainwreck t1_itvmqyd wrote
Reply to comment by Use_this_1 in Iran arrests Spanish man walking to Qatar World Cup by 60dB
Why does it have to be entitled? There is a long history of people walking and hiking places people like you and me don’t have the balls to go, let’s not confuse our weakness and jealousy for their entitlement
Badtrainwreck t1_ittdugb wrote
Reply to comment by deputytech in A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by redhatGizmo
Only 230TB? Oh too be young again
Badtrainwreck t1_itt8872 wrote
Reply to comment by UsedToBsmart in Man bursts into flames after being tasered during arrest in Arkansas by V3r4L4u7aro420
It’s clearly not the polices fault, but let’s not be dumb enough to think that someone deserves to be burned alive for running from the cops.
Badtrainwreck t1_ispclo8 wrote
Great, next they’ll treat police robots like real officers and if you shoot one you go to prison for life for attempting to kill an officer
Badtrainwreck t1_irrktqg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Serial ‘jogger rapist’ to be released from Oregon prison by LuceeCarioca
If we improve the “worst” of us, then we improve all of us. I say worst in quotes because not all criminals are the worst of us and not all of us are “better” than them.
Badtrainwreck t1_irr5f8j wrote
Reply to comment by CRoseCrizzle in Serial ‘jogger rapist’ to be released from Oregon prison by LuceeCarioca
Hard to say since the justice system isn’t really built to make people better
Badtrainwreck t1_iu55zuv wrote
Reply to comment by davidreiss666 in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy by AugustWolf22
That’s exactly what should happen, no monarch should have any position of power including ceremonial ones. If they want to be a king let them be king of their own mind